help with greenhouse please


Active Member
As i've got a greenhouse in the garden i thought i might as well use it till i can afford to purchase an indoor set up.

You can see my greenhouse in the pics and was wondering if anyone knows if i can line it with something to stop people seeing in or will this block the light.. there must be some roll of stick back stuff i could use... ??
My other question is i have 5 auto white dwarf seeds ... a friends told me i could put these in late feb to harvest late may .. is this too early ?? i live in the south of England ..




Active Member
too early to do a greenhouse grow - temps too cold and sun not strong enough

i would wait till late march mid april - then line the verticle glass with white plastic

an indoor grow can cost as little as £500 for 5 plants - start to finish


Well-Known Member
Remember if you got people living around you and they see that the walls have been covers up this might draw attention to your greenhouse. The auto dwarfs wont grow to high and wont take to long.

Like buddwasher said wait until late march at least to grow. You'll have to watch out for those night times, if you start in feb you'll kill them.