Help with grow, leaves look ill - Pictures available


Active Member

As you can see from the pictures that I have uploaded, each leaf represents a different plant and they all have the same common issues at the end of the leaves. Now this isn't on all of the leaves but it is on a good few of them....

I have also noticed that a lot of the leaves most of them in fact are going a very light green. I have checked the PH of all of them and they are between 6 - 7 which is all good?? The only thing I have noticed if that they don't seem to be drinking a lot of water? since they have been on flowering for around 2 weeks they have had around 20 litres of water for 8 of them and they never fully dry out??

I have been feeding them canna coco and using the recommended dose for 10 litres of water and as the PH is ok then I would assume that everything is all good on that part? Also I have been spraying the leaves with batshit lol Bud Blast most evenings when lights out so they can have a little late night snack.

Your suggestions are all most appreciated.




Active Member
Sorry I forgot to mention that they are under 1200w of HPS light and are now under 12/12 light. They are around 1 and a half feet high


Well-Known Member
over watered over nuted and temp, light and ventilation should be monitored.

ph for coco should be closer to hydro.


Active Member
What sort of PH should I be looking at? I do have an extractor fan and a small fan circulating air...Maybe I need to upgrade the fan to a larger one. I will leave with no water for close to a week and let them dry out and start again. Is 1200w too much for them you thinking?


Active Member
I have been and spent a good half hour in the room and in that time is got extremely humid and rather hot. The heat I'm not too concerned about as they rather like it but the humidity did feel very very high!! I was creating water pools in the corners of the room. I have therefore repositioned my fan, it's not hanging upside down at the front of the room above the plants, this is then circulating the air in the higher parts of the room which means the extractor can get rid of it and at the same time bringing down a nice breeze on to the tops of the flowers.

Hopefully this should help with this problem.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I forgot to mention that they are under 1200w of HPS light and are now under 12/12 light. They are around 1 and a half feet high
I think you should try this things
1- lower the PH between 5.5 and 6.5
2- using the 1200 wt not bad at all but raise the lights little more (30 inches) and i go more
3- try under 18/6
then tell me after one week i know they will change to normal


Active Member
Hey, thanks for the replies. If I can only spray my leaves with budblast when lights are on then that would surely burn the leaves, with 1200w in there it can get a little hot lets say, hence why I always spray the leaves when lights off.

Jamezsr - Can you suggest something to bring the PH down a little? I'm not hugely versed on this? I will raise the lights slightly today, I don't think I have much room to play with I'm using a 2 meter high grow room, but will basically get them as high as possible. If I put them under 18/6 then would that not take them out of flowering? They already have established buds and I don't really want to effect them at this stage??

I always thought between 6 - 7 was a good PH but clearly I'm wrong.

Your suggestions and thoughts as always are much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
i tried and may have failed miserably. have a happy life. with the shit going on in this world, and some folks growing 'who knows what' thinking its a mmj plant, you should read some more before posting again.

you have little knowledge of what PH even controls much less what it means.

come back with half a clue and you will get different, better and actually helpful information.

answers come easier when you have some idea more that sun and seed make weed..