help with grow space


Well-Known Member
hi this is my first time ever even trying to grow. my grow space is a wardrobe about 2m high, 1m wide. I have a 600w light and ballast . would just like to know if this would be ok for two plants regarding the heat and space. I am planning on using soil for this grow. any advice would be great thanks......:bigjoint:


I would just keep in mind that your plants will nearly double in size when you switch to flowering. Use low stress training to keep them as short as you need.


Active Member
hi this is my first time ever even trying to grow. my grow space is a wardrobe about 2m high, 1m wide. I have a 600w light and ballast . would just like to know if this would be ok for two plants regarding the heat and space. I am planning on using soil for this grow. any advice would be great thanks......:bigjoint:
Hello, and welcome to the world of growing Cannabis!

You could easily fit two plants in a 3ftx6ft wardrobe! Although I would recommend getting an Indica dominant strain such as Northern Lights over a Sativa. Indicas grow smaller and are much better suited to indoor grows, especially one with a smaller space like yours.

Is that a 600w MH or HPS that you will be using? Either way I hope you are installing some kind of exhaust setup on your wardrobe or it's going to get really warm in there.

Regarding LST (Low Stress Training), it is the act of manipulating your plant to grow however you want it. You can use this to make it small and bushy or make your colas spread out evenly so they can get the best light, among other things. There are many other reasons people use LST, it's becoming increasingly popular with indoor growers who need to practice room managament.

For more information regarding this, refer to this thread --->


Well-Known Member
good info solo dolo will need to get few exhaust fans and air intake getting the idea now next week will start grow :bigjoint:... fist time growing will let you know how I tgoes keep in touch lol thanks for the info anyway


New Member
Easy enuff light,am using 400 watter,in space just abit smaller,n am good doing 4 plants in soil,depends on how big ya wanna grow ya plants,make sure you've got a outtake fan n'a oscilating fan 2 help controll your temps,peace.