Help with grow space...!


Well-Known Member
this is my first time ever try to do a grow my space I plan to use is a chest of drawers about 4ft high by 3ft wide. my light setup is 600w hps bulb and plan on using soil. going to start with two plants I know good air ventilation will be essential. but just worried about the heat from my light burning the plant. any info and help starting of will be great thanks.......... probly similer to this one got pic from google


Well-Known Member
gonna burn them....wont be very stealthy with the fans you will need to keep it cool gonna sound like a fighter jet on a tennis court with the ballast going hummmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
I plan to use to 2 intake fans with 2 or 3 extraction fans will this still burn the plants. I put my light on for 15 mins but nothing in the grow box and the heat seemed to be quite low for 600w hps bulb.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics any input would be helpful just a DIY set up first time ever. I could raise the light a good bit 2. I also have 3 small fluresent ones can I use these if so how long for thanks.1455163_622217107834539_1754470426_n.jpg1458436_622217061167877_2021019240_n.jpg1472775_622215491168034_1411254299_n.jpg1489252_622217374501179_1706621098_n.jpg
Try to do away with the ridges on the sides and add Mylar for a more reflective growing area. You're also going to want to cut a hole in the bottom and out of the top near the light for ventilation with a small computer fan in each if possible. The bottom one blowing fresh air inside, and the top one sucking out warm, stagnant air.

Are you not going to be able to use the 250w HPS? That fluorescent isn't going to be enough for your plants. Maybe try adding a few 24w CFLs in there too, they would help out tremendously.


Well-Known Member
buddy i believe in over kill

i am sorry to say a normal HID light is not a choice with u would need a much bigger venting system..........t5 and cfls only work so much

with all the trouble u have gone tho to make it look the way it is LED system is the best choice .........u get your HID power and the coolness of a T5
now with led these cost but picking the right one (that is a good design /workmenship) it will grow for years i mean 15 35 45 years
the best in the market is Blackstar/Blackdog ...........they both make very good system well worth the money for something like this

doing my own learning on the subject i have found out 2 things
1 a 600 watt LED is equaled to 1000w HID over all growth and yeilding factor
2 when u grow with LED the fan leaves and others tend to be Thicker in dencness
finally since led are well low heat this allows u to use the maximum amount of room in there with out fear of fire
rem in your planing factor the planters/hydrotank u lost between 10 to 12 inches in room

on a personal note i would say to get auto flowering seeds...........they are short flips into flowering and in flowering it likes both lights just as equal(but we tend to use the hps for the more lumens and depth for over all yeild) but led u get the depth so all good u could use one light with a full mix spec u can have it going in a 30 day harvest grow 30 days plant the next one and u will be cutting a plant every 30 35 days


Well-Known Member
Try to do away with the ridges on the sides and add Mylar for a more reflective growing area. You're also going to want to cut a hole in the bottom and out of the top near the light for ventilation with a small computer fan in each if possible. The bottom one blowing fresh air inside, and the top one sucking out warm, stagnant air.

Are you not going to be able to use the 250w HPS? That fluorescent isn't going to be enough for your plants. Maybe try adding a few 24w CFLs in there too, they would help out tremendously.
I can take the ridges away easly and I only have a couple 600w hps bulbs. plus low budget. I have a intake fan for the bottom. and can make a few exaust fasns easly. do you think this will burn my plant. I haven't started yet just building grow box adding as I go along.


Well-Known Member
You might pull it off with enough fans just sayin it really won't be that stealthy unless you pull the plug for the fans even brushless pc fans are not real quiet........what were your temps in there for the 15 min run? it again for an hour try and get a thermometer in there while you do it....

......and about the mylar...its a pita...the white you have done would be my recommendation over mylar...good job on that.


Well-Known Member
That little t5 will be good for rooting cuttings.......if your temps are staying in the 90's with the 600 in the box I stand corrected....I would root small cuttings and put them straight into bloom and hope they don't outgrow the space...but then you would need a place for a mom.....if you're going from seed it might be a pheno free for all shootout in there.


Well-Known Member
buddy i believe in over kill

i am sorry to say a normal HID light is not a choice with u would need a much bigger venting system..........t5 and cfls only work so much

with all the trouble u have gone tho to make it look the way it is LED system is the best choice .........u get your HID power and the coolness of a T5
now with led these cost but picking the right one (that is a good design /workmenship) it will grow for years i mean 15 35 45 years
the best in the market is Blackstar/Blackdog ...........they both make very good system well worth the money for something like this

doing my own learning on the subject i have found out 2 things
1 a 600 watt LED is equaled to 1000w HID over all growth and yeilding factor
2 when u grow with LED the fan leaves and others tend to be Thicker in dencness
finally since led are well low heat this allows u to use the maximum amount of room in there with out fear of fire
rem in your planing factor the planters/hydrotank u lost between 10 to 12 inches in room

on a personal note i would say to get auto flowering seeds...........they are short flips into flowering and in flowering it likes both lights just as equal(but we tend to use the hps for the more lumens and depth for over all yeild) but led u get the depth so all good u could use one light with a full mix spec u can have it going in a 30 day harvest grow 30 days plant the next one and u will be cutting a plant every 30 35 days
Good info bud will help out. just building grow box as I go. could I SCROG in this space with two plants?


Well-Known Member
Scrog for sure, 600w is overkill but worth it if you can keep it cool. I had 400w in a similar size cab in a home made cooltube 1 4" can fan across the tube and another pulling through a filter & out. Still had minor heat issues when the door was shut for 12 hours, approx 85 degrees. White will help keep it cooler over mylar reflecting heat in. I used to paint everything but it always yellows so now i use white 6 mil plastic + its alot easier to clean.