Well-Known Member
Appreciate all the tips and suggestions I'm gonna post up my solution here a bit later when I get to fixing it

Yea I thought to but sometimes I need the digital display to adjust and it could become a pain doin that everytime?Make a cardboard "baffle" or shield that just blocks the light to the plants. No biggie.
You can get crafty like I did and take it apart & remove the LED from the circuit board.
Do you have this hooked up to a humidity controller so it reads tent humidity and not outside humidity? Thinking about this as my method didn't really give me the results I was looking for infact I found even more spots light comes out and it's not something I want to even risk.What I did was make a box that connects to my dehumidifier and then a 6” pipe connect to that and runs into my tent so I don’t have to have the whole dehumidifier in my tent because they produce heat as well and take up a lot of space so I have my dehumidifier outside the tent and it works great. There was a thread on here about making the box out of a small tote and Bunge cording it to the dehumidifier but I used foam board and aluminum tape to make mine and was easy to work with. Just another idea to ponder. Good luck
No I just run it full blast while lights are off and it keeps the humidity down to a good level. I’m sure you could set it on a sensor that would kick it on and off in your set points.Do you have this hooked up to a humidity controller so it reads tent humidity and not outside humidity? Thinking about this as my method didn't really give me the results I was looking for infact I found even more spots light comes out and it's not something I want to even risk.
Also considering the black charcoal filter taped over maybe... just to dull the light some
My AC Infinity humidifier has a probe into the tent and a snorkel so you can run that into the tent so the machine itself is on the outside. I'm very pleased with it so far. This is the humidifier I'm using:Do you have this hooked up to a humidity controller so it reads tent humidity and not outside humidity? Thinking about this as my method didn't really give me the results I was looking for infact I found even more spots light comes out and it's not something I want to even risk.
Also considering the black charcoal filter taped over maybe... just to dull the light some
Fwiw Bruce Bugby did some experimentation and his position is that if it’s not bright enough to read by it won’t harm anything. I’ve gone with that and never had an issue. It makes sense given a full moon is going to provide a hell of a lot more light than a single led in a grow room.
Bruce is kinda fraudy. I can read under moonlight back home on many nights. Was bright moonlight revegging outdoor crops?
bro-science. cannabis most definitely uses green lightClear green tape over the display, plants don’t see green, won’t affect the plants.
Ok so here it is, just flipping to flower day 1. Went down to check my timer before lights on to make sure it hadn't come on at the old time of 5am. Found this lovely glow coming from my dehumidifier. Thing is, I need to have this IN my tent...outside the tent wouldn't allow me proper humidity control...and it's just a nasty spot on this thing...
Any advice as to what I can do to block the light (the display won't turn off) I was thinking maybe black nail polish layered on...thoughts?
Thanks in advance