help with low stress training!


Well-Known Member
The best way would be to do a Google search and read up on the 1000 various guides you will find on the subject.


Well-Known Member
just slowly bend it to desired angle and tie it in place with string or wire. If you feel resistance when bending, then don't bend any further. you will find out that they are very tough to break or snap. try it out on some wild flowers or something outside that seems to have the same type stem. it's always good to practice first on something that isn't your girls.


Well-Known Member
Youtube has a pretty good search function if you are adverse to reading.

I glued a zip tie down to the top of my bucket, bent the little thing over and tied it down. Then I drank a beer. Don't over think it.

LST dual.jpg


sorry if i am over thinkin this but in scrog grows i see ppl tying them down but i also see huge knots where it looks like it has broken. whats that all about.