Help with male and female sexing

hi all. i have tried looking through pix but cannt get a definitive answer... i have 6 plants on 12/12 and at least 3 of them are showing a single ball on the top nodes. does this mean its a male or can an early female start off like this?

i will post sum pix wen i can put the lights on

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

You must not be searching at all because just googling it will give you great results. Pics will help though :hump:
thanks so you think i should wait? reason i asked is because i saw this... all my plants seem to have a single ball and not a cluster like balls or anything resembleing a club on playing cards?

Identifying the Male
Males can be identified by looking at the inter-nodes where leaf and branch stems connect with the main stalk. Male flowers will contain balls somewhere between the size of a marijuana seed and a popcorn seed. One ball is not definitive since female pistils sometimes split from a small single ball that opens. But two or three balls in a cluster is sure confirmation that you have a male. Males should be removed and destroyed to prevent them from releasing pollen. The pollen transports easily so the males can not be safely grown anywhere that shares an a/c or ventilation system unless special precautions are taken.

[edit] Identifying the Female

Females are very simple to identify. They sprout white hairs. A small ball will form and split and two tiny white hairs like translucent threads will split out. These hairs are called pistils and intended to catch pollen. Later when the plant is not pollinated these hairs will change color.
Pistils may guarantee that your plant is not a male but your plant could still be a hermaphrodite. You must watch plants grown from seed carefully for male flowers and even a trusted clone if it has undergone stress such as light during its dark period, lack of watering, or being left to flower far past maturity.


Well-Known Member
well, Im at an early age, im not very experienced, but Ive read alot of this stuff. I really dont mean to throw you off or anyone.

What Ive gotten from sexing.

Male: Ball and stick. Spades playing cards blah blah blah. A ball, on TOP of a stick. That is what I think of males. At an early age, I dont believe it would be a CLUSTER. I think it would start as one lil stick with the ball more resembling the preflower stage of sexing. What Im trying to say is that the clusters form later, but in preflower and before production I believe in my own thoughts thats its a ball on a stick.

Female: A triangle shape. NOT a ball on a stick. Not much resemblance of a ball, but more of a pyramid shape, a triangle. Larger diameter attached on the node at the bottom than at the top. more spherical shaped.

Do you have a macro mode on your camera?

See how close you can get into it.

In preflower stage its pretty hard to see with the naked eye. But it WILL show, you WILL have some time to chop males diligently.

Heres a pic of mine, preflowers kinda showing in more of a triangle shape.......


thanx 4 ya help mate ill have a look at my caM its a digi slr but havnt a clue how to use it lol ill c what i can do. i hope your wrong or it looks like 4 or 5 of 6 are male :( !


Well-Known Member
aw shizz man, on that note I hope im wrong too. we dont want them nasty footballs, we want triangles.

ya try to get a couple good shots of the top most part of the plant, or the node right under it.

get way in there man.

whats the model number of your cam, ill try to help you get it into macro mode.


