Help with my new micro Grow!!


Active Member
Hey everyone. I've been a member for a while here, lurking and taking in all the great info. Mostly posting in the news section on current affairs. Got a few successful tries under my belt now and a few fuck-ups but now I'm in a new apartment and trying to design the perfect perpetual system to finally free myself and my family once and for all from the underground economy and be self-sufficient.

My first grow was a "bagseed", the only one from an ounce a dealer friend paid $700USD to have shipped from the 'Dam. Ridiculous price. I never got a straight answer on which strain it was but it had a C. afganica profile, from the fan leaves to the shape and calyx formation. Very heavy but cerebral stone. Ended up calling it Notorious B.U.D. named in honor of the most famous resident of Bud-Stuy. The first time I flowered her under a couple of CFLs and some cheap LEDs that probably contributed nothing. Got about a half-o.

Revegged her, took some clones and planted one each Orange Crush, KC36, Purple Haze x Northern Lights, and Morning Glory X Northern Lights. Flowered under a 250W HPS. Got about 6 oz.

Took the mother and put her outdoors in the ground, but that grow failed, for several outdoor specific reasons I won't get into in this indoor thread.

Now I've got a new place. Very little space to grow and stealth is a major concern. I don't want to have to spend a lot but I'm down to spend a few hundred. I had originally envisioned a 3x3x2 Veg/Clone/Mother Cab with T-5s and a 5x4x2 Flower Cab with 250W and 400W HPS cooltubes using hempy buckets. I would have a perpetual grow by rotating 2-4 plants into the flower cab every 2-4 weeks. Using FoxFarm 3 part macro nutes with Liquid Karma and molasses.

However, recently I've been thinking smaller. I've seen some of the OG plans for the original NGB micro cab. He used a 150W HPS that he converted to remote ballast. 2 plant site SCROG, he was pulling close to 1g/W. I was thinking of scaling those plans up slightly, to have a bigger screen/canopy size that could benefit from the extra lumens of the 250W I've got already. I think a 250W in the original size box would get too hot and too bright...without CO2 enrichment I'm afraid the extra lumens per square foot would be wasted and the plants would be in danger of light burn. With the extra space I could also add another plant site or 2 to the SWC he's got designed. However, It'd be difficult to get that as perpetual as I'd like (harvest every 2-4 weeks).

SO in addition I'm thinkin of also doing a CFL SCROG for cheap in some rubbermaids, have two systems I can fill with clones from my NGB mother chamber.

Right now I've got a KC36 seedling with 3 nodes, not sexed and a recently sprouted Kush seed not sexed. I'm hoping for girls to make some bonsai mothers. If anyone is local and can help out with some cuttings or a mom that needs adopting, I'd be grateful and it'd save me some time.

So I guess I'd just like to know what your thoughts are on the best system for my needs would be.

Needs to be super stealthy.
Needs to be small, self contained.
Needs to be perpetual.
Needs to produce enough smoke for an ounce a week. (Or 2 oz. every 2 weeks, a quap every month, etc.)

Also if anyone can help with some cuts, PM me.