Help with my seedlings


Well-Known Member
Help i have 2 week old seedling and i have noticed the leafs are curling down and the little points along the edge of the leaf are curling down. I think it was the light being too close and the heat curled them so i moved the light away up 2 about 8". Could this be the reason my leaves are slightly curling or could it be to do with the temp when the lights are off going as low as 12 degree celcius and when the light is on its about 21-23 degree celcius. Its not a nutes problem because i didnt start them with nute they are growing in RW.


Active Member

I would guess its either the temp or the watering. I am leaning toward the temp. I went through a few weeks of cold nights on my setup and the same thing happened. But they perked right up when the heat came back up. You could have burned the tips a little from the light as you stated.

I would say they are drooping from the cold and your light burned the tips. The tips will heal themselves in about a weekish since you corrected the light problem. Are you waiting for the soil to completely dry before watering?


Well-Known Member
Im using 125w envirolite and the seedling are in rock whool and i water them about 1-2 times a day i will be place them into a hydroponic in a day or two