Help with my white widow and blue cheese!!!! Please!


Active Member
My leave turned very brown after watering the other day I am currently using vinegar to lower the pH. My local hydro store got busted so I am waiting on pH down in the mail. I don't know if this could have caused it. Also my soil pH always shoots up to 8+ fairly quickly after I feed with 6.5 pH'd water. Feel free to ask any questions your help is very much appreciated.

I suck at growing!!!

By the way I am using fox farm ocean forest soil under a 400w Mh right now no adding of nutes yet but I do have the ff line for later.



Active Member
i think that soil is to strongly fertilized for those young seedlings im a first time grower also but because of ph problems i mix my own soilless mix helping me keep my ph stable.


Active Member
Use natural substances to balance PH. The store bought crap adds tons of salts in the soil and could cause lockup fast unless you flush all the time. Baking Soda = PH+, Vinegar= PH-. Your plants are probably burnt due to excess salt build up from the constant need to add PH solution to the water. Try to do a thorough flush using the natural method and see what happens.:blsmoke:


Active Member
just flushed (crosses fingers!). By the way what would be a good soil to get to start seeds in? Keep in mind my hydro store is busted so no more ff. Preferably a good Lowes/Home Depot or other chain store. I wish I would have picked up some happy frog but that is no longer and option.


Active Member
i cut my clones and start my seeds in jiffy peat pucks then xfer them to solo cups with my soilless mix. i soak them in 6.0 ph water with only superthrive



Active Member
So I flushed and I am getting new growth but the new growth is getting burnt. Should find a different soil and replant them? I am just wondering because I do not know how well the root system has developed yet but I am assuming it is fairly developed. Any suggestions? Thanks!