Help with nutes


Active Member
Hey peeps, a friend of mine recently gave me his entire batch of nutrients, im doing a t.h.c. bomb grow in soil, they r only a few days from seeds, from what I understand there are different nutes for vegging and flowering, and I shouldn't use them until week 3 and also to start them off at 1/4 strength, apart from that i'm not sure how to go about using them, should I mix the nutes diluted in a barrel and use that, or I was thinking to have each nute diluted individually in a bucket of its own, and feed the plants accordingly. The nutes are as follows House & Garden Van De Zwaan Algen Extract - extremely high content of trace elements and hormones
(V) until 3rd week of flower

(V) until flower

ADVANCED NUTRIENTS TARANTULA - increases root mass and encourages explosive root growth
(V) until flower

RHIZATONIC - grows roots at
an astounding rate
(V) until flower

HYGROZYME - enzymatic formula which breaks down dead plant matter and helps roots to grow to fullest potential
VEG until flush (V)

MOTHER EARTH SUPER TEA BLOOM - contains enzymes and amino acids to promote flowering and fruit production
flower until flush

Advanced Nutrients Grandma Enggy Fulvic Acid - will help with nutrient uptake and availability, nourishes
plant cells, roots and leaves to produce bigger, more aromatic flowers. Studies show that plants treated with Fulvic Acid show a 36% increase in harvest weight, a 36.5% increase in growth

flower until flush

BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES - 2nd week of 12/12 until 2 weeks before end
Shooting powder - from 1st week of final 3 weeks for secondary bloom

optimum ph - 6.0 to 7.0
defoliating - all the way
lst - until 2 weeks in flower
supercropping - until 2 weeks in flower
fim - until flower

All advice highly appreciated peeps, im using a 600w hps in a 1.45 * 1.45 tent, im thinking I might need to add another light come flowering, im starting them off in jiffy's then to a small pot with a teaspoon of plant magic before potting, i'll be transplanting into 11L pots but after reading on the forum, im thinking il transplant them a second time into minimum 20L pots, although im tempted to go for 50L pots, guys u r awesome much love ive learned a lot on this forum