Help with nutrients urgently required - please help


New Member
i am using GH Florabloom as a flowering nute and have a load of extra stuff that i dont know if i can add on top of this and if so, how much.

the extra stuff i have is -
liquid carboload
dutch pro - explode
dutch pro - multi-total
and i also have a bottle of rhiztonic which i have no idea for its use.

dont take this a retarded post, i have just come into a load of stuff for free and would like to put it all to good use, i usually just use a+b with some added bloombastic.



New Member
funny.. but i have yet to use any of these. the gh flora bloom is going down well but really want to get adding something extra


Well-Known Member
Personlly I just stick with my veg and bloom nutes and never use any additives, don't think I really need them and my plants are healthy.


New Member
me too, but as i have them all there and they arent costing anything, it would be nice to work out some sort of feeding guide..
the gh flora range im using is supposed to just for hydro but i have read in several places thats its good in soil and have had no problems, just great growth.


New Member
Not really a reply to your exact topic, but I just discovered a nutrients company called Bio-Nova that makes stuff specifically for bud and has been for a while. Seem to be a simple 1-3+ liquid feeding system. I'm only basing my suggestion on having seen some amazing looking serious bubblegum grown with it. Wish I could help with your specific question.

I guess cal mg+ is always good. even normal molasis. Endo mychozzial is great for organic I know.



Well-Known Member
Seems to me that by adding all those extra additives tends to create more problems than not, that's why I rarely use them, tho at the moment I've been using floralicious plus and it seems to work ok but too expensive, may look into floralicious bloom next once I use this plus up.