Help with plant gender


Sorry if this was the wrong thread, it's not really a plant problem though... Anyways I'm still new to sexing, and I wanted a second opinion on this plant before I yank it. Is it male or hermie? I'll try to get some better pics up tonight, but hopefully you guys can make something out from the one I have



So definitely boy not a hermie?. There's some little pistil looking things with white hairs at the tops of each branch. Is that common on males?


Active Member
I'm seeing a hermie. I see what I believe are hairs up in the top right branch and then for sure balls at the base of the branch, if you let her go you'll get very seeded bud(virtually seeds rather then bud). Just a suggestion find a friend with some cuttings and restart the process unless you have some regular girls. Or finish it and get personal experience in the the breeding process and pop your very own seeds next run( could carry the hermie gene might not would have to pop a few and do selective processes from there, make your favorite a mommy and then name the bitch) it's not productive for quite some time but I'll assure you it's rewarding.


The hairs are pretty sporadic, and the balls are everywhere, I cut it down, thanks for your help everyone, I'm gonna rep you all when I get home