Help with plant


Well-Known Member
Hey Im growing a few plants and one seems to be browning on two of its four plant leaves(see picture) any ideas? The strain is power skunk and its 6 days old. The plant is in MG African violet soil for now but it will be transplanted in fox farms when its ready. Im not sure if its nuteburn from the soil because my other two are fine. I water around every 72 hours. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
that does look alot like nute burn if the soil is pre nuted then thats probley what it is. If you are adding nutes your self then stop its way to younge for that and if your not then switch it over the the fox farm as soon as you can


Well-Known Member
Im kinda thinking thats what it is and Im not using any nutes because I know its already in the soil. Do you think it will make it till its ready to be transplanted?


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for your help... How long do you think I should wait to transplant it in different soil? and is there a chance that the plant can heal the damage on the leaves?


Well-Known Member
nope they wont heal but those are the first leaves that drop off or you trimm off later so no worrys you wont see them for long. As far as thr transplant question im not really sure i usualy start mine in the container i finish them in hopefully someone else posts on here because i don't know about that one


Well-Known Member
You need to flush it with non chlorinated water...give it about a week....after you have a couple sets of healthy leaves you can start nutes at 1/4 strentgh....shoud solve the problem for now.......


Well-Known Member
You can transplant now.....but put it in the pot you intend on flowering sensce in transplanting several times....flush the soil in your new pot , seems to have too much nutrients for now.......


Well-Known Member
When transplanting from one pot to a larger pot you should first see roots hitting the bottom of the pot. When the first root/taproot hits the bottom off the small pot it will signal to the plant to start producing more roots, these will then grow downwards and outwards at the same time and will soon hit the bottom of the pot also.

So when you see say, 10 roots at the drainage holes, you will know that your plant has established a good root system in that pot and it can be transplanted into a bigger pot.

Someone has already said to flush with distilled water to leach the excess nutes from the MG soil. I would make sure the water is between 6.3 and 6.8 ph also as that soil is probably either too alkaline or acidic.

And finally if it was mine I wouldn't risk keeping it in that soil. I would remove the soil from the pot, wash it away gently under the tap, and very gently place your seedling and root into new soil. You have to be very careful doing this tho, and quick. So unless your confident you won't damage the root then just go with the flushing.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ???where did you read that???? can,t say I've ever heard of the 10 root theory....Anyway suretokealot..flush your plant , flush soil in the pot your going to transplant to, Let dry,should take about three days. transplant , water with plain water and wait for two sets of healthy leaves and you will be good to go.......


Well-Known Member
Get the plant out of the mg thats your problem put it in its final pot and leave it theres no reason to leach it cause if its that full of nutes its just going to over feed you plant again get good dirt and replant


Well-Known Member
Yeah ???where did you read that????
I'm not sure where I read that to be honest. It was my understanding that when starting plants in a smaller pot it was best to let the plant develop a good root system before transplanting. One way of telling your plant has developed a good root system, without pulling the soil out of the pot, is to check the drainage holes of the pot for signs a multiple roots. The reason I said "say ten" is to discourage the orignal poster from seeing the initial taproot and thinking it was time to transplant.

Anyway when you do allow the plant to develop a good root system before you transplant the plant has many more feeder roots to go searching the soil than if you transplant early. And If you you translant early then the roots tend to grow to the bottom of the pot then curl around in the bottom of the pot. Think of all that root space in the middle of the pot that is wasted.

If I have not explained my case clearly enough or if I'm missing something then maybe you can answer me this. Why start plants in smaller pots in the first place if what I have said above is not the case?

Peace ;-)


Well-Known Member
He never said he was changing soils unless I missed something.And another thing if the soil he has is flushed thoroughly there won't be any nutes to over feed with...if you can solve the problem without spending more money I have to say it?............


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for all the replys.... Im going to flush the plant when I do this how much water does it usally take? and when I transplant it will be put in foxfarms ocean forest soil. Just ordered some today


Well-Known Member
The plant is in MG African violet soil for now but it will be transplanted in fox farms when its ready
Pay attention dude!

Will be transplanted into Fox farms when ready. :wink:

Tokealot, don't flush the fox farms just water it thoroughly then transplant asap. Try and get rid of as much of that MG soil as you can (its way too acidic for seedlings) your roots wont want to grow into it so I doubt they will even reach the new soil. Just be careful when washing the soil away and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for all the replys.... Im going to flush the plant when I do this how much water does it usally take? and when I transplant it will be put in foxfarms ocean forest soil. Just ordered some today
Ok so you haven't got the new soil yet. Well I would flush about a litre of distilled water through that small pot. just do it gradually and the water won't spill out of the top. Your water is gonna be a little alkaline (7+), which in this case is great as it will bring the soil up from the 5ph it is now.


Well-Known Member
Alright Im going to flush that plant. My other 2 plants seem to be doing really well (diff strain) should i flush them to or hold off for the new soil? Again thanks