Help with problem here? Pic inside

So whats up...heres whats up.

this one is 33 days old. I know its weak growth. It didnt have the needed light at first but thats all changed now. Anyway, My first set of leaves are dying off as you can see (not the cotyledons), anyone know why? I also think I have some fung gnats..Whatever the problem is I can see it may be moving up the plant like how I have it circled in the picture. Could the gnats just do that? I understand about nitrogen and stuff, none of that was added.

Also I can see the faint yellow dots on some of the leaves. A precursor perhaps..again seen in the pic..I dont want to sit around and watch it die, any opinions and facts are welcome, thanks.



Well-Known Member
If your lighting is sufficient....Add more Nitrogen to your feedings or feed more often.

I'd up the Nitrogen.

Added two more CFL bulbs. Added nitrogen and wow! Since then the whole stem has filled out and gained about 3 inches in height. I also think I killed my Fung Gnat problem when I transplanted (phewww) I am going to start my grow log. Cheers for the info mate.
I repped ya bud. I also moved this info into the Journal section if you may want to follow the life that you helped save :)