Help with Problems!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
I have been having problems with my plants lately and wondering if anyone knows what it could's a couple pictures....fat leaves are white widow and skinny leaves are northern lights.

Thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Almost looks like spider mites to me (or what I've heard they can do)... @ least on the widow pics. First thing I would do is inspect your leaves both top AND UNDERSIDE w/ a magnifying glass & see if you spot any mites. Then you can either confirm or eliminate the possibility of mites.

If it turns out to be mites then just google "getting rid of spider mites" or something like that. There is a product called "fruit & something" or something like that. Something to do w/ fruit in the name anyway. You can use that stuff every few days for a couple weeks to get rid of them i think but you have to be vigilant. It only kills the adults & not the eggs. So after you do it once you still have all the already laid eggs that are gonna hatch... so you gotta use it again b4 any of those hatch & are able to lay new eggs. & keep killing them as all the eggs hatch, not letting any of them get mature enough to lay a couple hundred more eggs etc. etc. I'm sure you get the picture of why they are such a pain in the ass to get rid of. you let just 2 or 3 slip thru & you'll end up being buried w/ another infestation of even stronger bugs. I've also heard of sponging each individual leaf w/ soap suds of water & ivory soap. That may be worth doing once but I would only say in combination w/ the fruit stuff. Like I said you wanna follow the instructions on that stuff to a tee. don't miss an application, don't be late either. good luck with whatever your prob may be


Well-Known Member
looks like K toxicity which is usally caused by ph lockout.
look around for a chart that shows when K gets locked out in relation to PH i looked but cant find it on here. although i know its posted.
anyways yeah looks like K toxicity / nute burn caused by ph lockout
edit ... here is a copy of that chart on this link and K gets locked out at above 6.0 and below 5.0
in hydro and in soil it locks out at above 9.0 and below 6.0 if you grow in soil you want your ph to be 6.5 and hydro you want 5.8


Well-Known Member
need more info about your set up to give you any help. what kind of lights, nutes, temps, soil, etc...

I have a 1000 watt hps, Nutes are a house brand from a local hydro shop, temps are at about 85F sometimes go higher depending on what the weather is around, and am using a time release nutriant enriched soil....