help with runoff ph


so i ph everything to 6.5 and my runoff was like 5.3 im in ffof.where should it be and what can i do to correct it?


bud bootlegger
what are you worrying about your run off ph for?? are you having issues at all??

i'm just wondering cuz i've never not once checked my run off ph, and don't usually experience too many issues through out the grow... just curious as to why you're checking it is all. :)


well isnt it a way to tell whats going on in the soil? nothings wrong with my plant, perfectly healthy..i thought runoff mattered.


Well-Known Member
*yes, having a good runoff is after feeding, but you dont need that test.. unless you want specifics :)


Well-Known Member
well isnt it a way to tell whats going on in the soil? nothings wrong with my plant, perfectly healthy..i thought runoff mattered.
I never checked my run off until recently and noticed the same thing. I have not had any problems with plants growing due to the run off. Don't worry about it. At first the soil is always acidic which will bring your run off at the 5.0 range but it will gradually bring it back up to where your water ph has been set at a few waterings. Check into Dolomite Lime that would help it and you won't ever need to ph your water :). Google it.


Active Member
when i used chemical nutes(fox farm)i always had to keep ph in check,and always checking run-off.I would buffer my soil with dolomite lime.I use all organic now and as long as i use the lime i never have issues nor do i check ph

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
I concur with racer.
But if you want the low down on soil pH runoff/fluctuation I can suggest DrFever for the good infos