I planted 6 germinated seeds and got impatient and looked threw the soil in 4 of the cups and I didn’t go deep enough to see the sprout did this ruin the seeds, i emptied one of the 2 other cups and found the seed with sprout and replanted it a bit higher in the soil did this kill it and, i dug up the last seed with sprout and the taproot broke into 2 is this one dead ?
If you saw they popped then planted you couldn’t wait two days for them sprout?
They did sprout then i planted the next day i went digging i have 6 planted seeds total and i didnt find 4 out of 6 i broke 1 out of the 2 left and the other i put back in soil and it popped out of the shell
Digging in the dirt to see seed development is a no-no. Now you know
I dug up and broke one tap root in half will it still grow, also i found another one of the taproots but it moved it gently it didnt break and the seed came off and now its popped out of the soil will it grow ?
Here’s a suggestion. Drop your seeds in dirt and leave them alone. It’s so much easier. And limit your transplants to one or two on your first few grows.
Nope I’m just that impatient. He said he had germ them which I assume meant taproot

I use microscope though and dig slow
I dug up slow in 4 cups and didnt go far enough to find the tap root will they survive since i didn’t reach them or did touching the soil kill it ?
They did sprout then i planted the next day i went digging i have 6 planted seeds total and i didnt find 4 out of 6 i broke 1 out of the 2 left and the other i put back in soil and it popped out of the shell
When you say sprout that implies they broke soil. If not say germ or germinate. At least to me
Here’s a suggestion. Drop your seeds in dirt and leave them alone. It’s so much easier. And limit your transplants to one or two on your first few grows.
I did that with another seed i found today i popped it into a cup with soil and put it under a 600w light