HELP!! with seeds sprouting


I am growing this time with a ebb & flo system from seeds in grodan.
I used the paper towel method to germinate my seeds 10/10 of them sprouted
I soak the grodan in a 5.5 solution, and then transferred the seeds from the paper towel into the grodan. My 10 precious plants have been under the 18/6 lighting of my 400w mh light it has been 4 days and only 3 plants have sprouted.... WTF!
Can anyone help me so that the rest of the seeds will sprout.


Active Member
i'm only a newbie but maybe u buried them a bit deep.. just a matter of time before they break through, the longest mine took were 48 hrs first lot were only 24hr.
but hear it can take up to a week. good luck.


Ya my first grow all the seeds sprouted by this time, but they were in soil, I was thinking soil might take longer but figured id ask

Pat Man

Active Member
my first grow it took a very short time, less than 4 days but some seeds can take up to 10 days. dont worry just be patient. as long as you put them 1/8 an inch deep and are on 18/6+ they will sprout. sometimes seeds like to be bitches and take their time


Well-Known Member
i thought seeds needed the dark to sprout decently...the seedlings need the light...?
and rockwool shouldn't be soaking wet, just damp...ebb and flow tends to flood the area though?
hydroponics is new to me.

after this much time i would assume they drowned....dig one up and look is what i would do


The seeds need to be in dark when germinating, once a decent taproot is established, you then transfer the seeds into whatever medium you choose, then they need 18-24 hours of light a day to sprout, The rockwool s only "soaking" when the table is flooded for a 15 minute interval the rest of the time they are damp. Also I did do that I got a little anxious and I look at one and it seemed to be doing fine

Richard Smith

Active Member
you may have planted the seeds to deep and they cant get through. or possibly you didnt keep them moist when you transfered and they could have died or maybe you gave them to much water and they drowned.
if you wanna find out if its couse there 2 deep just unearth one gently and see if its growing. better finding out by possibly damaging one then possibly letting them all die.
Id have to agree with richard On theese two things,

1. possibly pushing them into deep, so they waste alot of energy / time pushing for the surface.

2. Moisture, it is important to keep your base ( soil etc or whatever) damp to the touch,

the only other thing i could suggest is how far away are your babies from the lights?
i had some skunks before that i kept away from the light (undersized grow room at the time) and in 8 weeks they grew to 10 inches, wheras my other plants where harvestable,
hope this helps

- The Stonned Ninja


OK! so i checked on 2 of them and.... drum roll...
All sources point toward impatience lol
I checked two of them and they were both doing awesome so im just gonna wait and see where it goes!
thanks for the help though guys!!

Pat Man

Active Member
Well Will, I unfortunately made the same mistake you did... planted 4 seeds and watered them to soak the soil. The water sunk the seeds too deep and they either drowned or didn't receive enough light to sprout and died. Wasted $30. I tried to dig them up and regerminate them under light but it was too late and the radicle wouldn't grow. If you're really concerned they're too deep i would suggest gently digging them up and re-setting them or re-germinating them so the radicle is longer and will set in the soil better. But to let you know I've only done 2 grows so I'm an ammy.


yes sir i did the same thing thought they didnt come up so i put two more in with them and bamm 4 spouted and then i had to buy more pots. lol
good luck