Help With Seeds

How Would you b able to tell if a seed is good or not, besides it looking really small and white, i have mad bagseeds and some of them are white with shit soming out of em and its wrapped around.... the pics i took are too blury to show

this prob sounds stupid because im mad cookin...


Well-Known Member
dude wat? white seeds? that isnt good you mean they have sprouted,have u germed them?


Well-Known Member
there is one good trait to a seed,if it has tiger-like stripes on them,if they are dark brown almost black,those are thigs to look for
there is one good trait to a seed,if it has tiger-like stripes on them,if they are dark brown almost black,those are thigs to look for
i didnt germ yet im still making my grow box

i know the dark ones are good but will the white ones that sprouted still work?


Well-Known Member
keep the unsprouted seeds in an airlocked bag in a cool dark place until youve finished your box then germ them and plant them =) goodluck