help with small plants to correct next season

So I have 4 plants of the same size about 6" high, soil grown, no nutrients till 4 weeks now at 2 month mark. I gave 1/4 strength nutrients kept in solo cups 16oz till 4 weeks transplanted with no problem, little to no problems during whole grow except very slow growth. If more information is needed to help just let me know, I'd really like to correct this. Strain was kc36 by kc brains some said might of been old seeds or just the strain itself... got em from attitude


Well-Known Member
damn dude, srry, youll be lucky to get a gram from 4 girls like that, but we live and learn, anyway, heres what i do, start the seedlings off in plastic cups, like the kind u use for beer pong, u dnt need ne nutes for like a good 3-4 weeks from the time they sprout, so keep them in the cups for 2-3 weeks after they sprout, and transplant to a 1 maybe 2 gal containers, keep them in these containers for around a month then transplant again to your final container(5 gal, 10gal w/e it is) the bigger the better, if ur sketchy about transplanting 2 times bc ur scared to stress it u can go from the cups rite to ur final container( ive never had any major form of stress from a transplant, if u do it rite theres nuthing to worry about) what i also like to do is when transplanting from the plastic cups i will cut small fringes on the rim of the cup, when its ready to transplant u can jus peel down the fringes to ensure the least amount of stress possible. the above method ensures a strong healthy rootball before the plant goes into its final container, and will help growth considerably
Well I did all of it like that except for second transplant... I had literally almost no problems the whole grow except for a little overwatering when I left em with my girlfriend but other than that nothing... its really confusing I'm assuming it was just old seeds

kbo ca

Active Member
you went a little overboard on the water. I can tell you water atleast once everyday. You should be watering more like every other day. The soil should be given time to dry out inbetween waterings. Keep in mind that the roots need oxygen!
I've actually havnt watered for about 2 weeks. It's rained almost every third day, when they were young my girlfriend over watered a whole week while i was in Colorado, could that have stunted them permanently. If so next season i won't leave em with her hahaha because I believe I have the watering system down for the soil I use and temp. Etc.

kbo ca

Active Member
I've actually havnt watered for about 2 weeks. It's rained almost every third day, when they were young my girlfriend over watered a whole week while i was in Colorado, could that have stunted them permanently. If so next season i won't leave em with her hahaha because I believe I have the watering system down for the soil I use and temp. Etc.
like i said too much water... If it hasn't been watered by you in two weeks it should have been bone dry. It looks like the rain continued what your gf started. If you do leave em with her just make sure to teach her the right way to water them.