Active Member
I'm sure you guys can help me. Been growing indoors for a few years now and after reading up on organics I decided to give it the ol' college try. I used the thread below to build my soil, the only changes I made were using FF OF and native soil for my base, because I live in the sticks and that is all I could get my hand on at the time. As far as the rest, I used the same recipe and did not deviate as far as I know (although I had to have screwed up somewhere).
So I let it marinate in some big trash cans for a couple of months, I popped some beans and once they were up and going I transplanted them into the soil I had mixed up. Let me tell you, they did horrible. Everything grew slowly and the plants just got to the point that they were doing so badly that I scrapped the grow and went back to my old ways. So in the meantime, I sent a sample off to get tested because I have a bunch of the stuff mixed up and I want to use it since I have a chunk of change wrapped into it. The results (posted below) really were surprising to me but I could see why my girls did so terrible, everything is out of balance. pH is good but most of the nutrients are either too high or too low, not much in the optimal range. What do I need to do to get this into a usable range? Any help would just be fantastic, thanks!

Latest (Last) Version Subcool Super Soil Recipe
This version of Subcool's super soil does not seem to be widespread but I assume it is his latest revision of the recipe. I found it at: Has anyone used this paticular super soil blend and any comments about your experience with it...
So I let it marinate in some big trash cans for a couple of months, I popped some beans and once they were up and going I transplanted them into the soil I had mixed up. Let me tell you, they did horrible. Everything grew slowly and the plants just got to the point that they were doing so badly that I scrapped the grow and went back to my old ways. So in the meantime, I sent a sample off to get tested because I have a bunch of the stuff mixed up and I want to use it since I have a chunk of change wrapped into it. The results (posted below) really were surprising to me but I could see why my girls did so terrible, everything is out of balance. pH is good but most of the nutrients are either too high or too low, not much in the optimal range. What do I need to do to get this into a usable range? Any help would just be fantastic, thanks!