help with soil mix


Active Member
Alright, its my first post, i know alot of people get annoyed when noobs come on here and just ask questions without searching for the answer first well ive researched for a few hours already.

basically i know what i want in my soil but i dont know how much of it to mix in.

Ill start off with this list and if anyone can help me break down the ratios to make it a good mixed soil itd be much appreciated!!

Pro-mix BX 3.8 cu ft. bale

bone meal(how much?)
blood meal(how much?)
dolomite lime(1 cup per cubic ft good?)
epsom salts(how much)
kelp meal(how much?
worm castings(how much?)

Are these ok ingridients?
if not what should i take out or add?

If anyone has a mixture of their own that they can share with me thatd be awwesome!or if anyone has a link to another thread with a good soil mixture that be good too.


Well-Known Member
hmm, I dont know about that exact mix, but it sounds like your plant will drowned in food with that. The thing is all that stuff might be fine, except for the Epsom salt but I dono.

The important thing to maxamize is more how much air your soil will hold not how to feed the plant. The soil needs to drain well. You want to have like 25% coco coir, 25% perlite, 20% worm castings, %20 potting soil, %10 all your other stuff. You would do fine by just adding the perlite and/or coco coir to regular potting soil.
more nutrients does not equal more fat buds
more air in the soil does equal more fat buds

make sence?

The exact mix is not critical but the final soil should be really lite and airy. It should be more like a hydroponic medium and less like dense soil under your lawn.

Or, do what I do, use 100% coco coir and fertilize that.


Well-Known Member
search for subcools supersoil organic mix i think it has what ur looking for. he puts all those ingredients in and has the whole process!!