Help with Subcool Soil Variation


Inspired by Subcool's mix, here is a variation put together for fig trees using locally available items. Immediately after cutting root they will be placed in 1 gallon pots and into their flowering area.

10 Gallon, G, of Promix
4 G of Compost (Combination of leaves and household food waste)
1 G Vermiculite
1 G Perlite
1 Gallon Worm Castings
1 Cup of Oyster Shell
1 Cup of Domolite Lime
30 TBS Azomite
30 TBS Green Sand
17 TBS Bone Meal
10 TBS Blood Meal

Every week or so the flowering figs will be given Actively Aerated Compost Tea with the following Recipe.
Tea is Brewed with 1 G and then combined with 4 gallons of plain H20
1 Cup of Compost
1 Cup of Worm Castings
2 TBS Unsulf Molasses
2 TBS Fish Mix Bio Buzz (Hydro-slated Protein)
2 TBS Humic Acid

What do you think? I really appreciated your guidance and feedback!


Well-Known Member
i was watching sub's youtube channel and he nearly lost his shit when someone asked if they could substitute A for B. He went UB on the question and said to stop asking stupid fucking questions, super soil can be tweaked but the original mix for sub's super soil is exactly what's listed.
Don't think i'm trashing your question .....It just reminded me of the vein that popped out of sub's head when the question was posed about his mix. Brothaman really takes his soil seriously. haha ....i'm sorry I wish i could share some useful info with you but good luck with your mix, rep for giving it go!


Here is how I see the issue of changing things...If you never try and improve or alter things, how are you going to grow or improve. Thanks for the props :)


Well-Known Member
The 30TBS or almost 2 cups was taken from Sub recipe. I hope my conversion was right?
You need to check subs grub recipe.
10 Gallons of soil is not very much soil to start with.
But you are experimenting and changing things and change is always good especially when it comes to a recipe for growing cannabis that Sub has spent many years perfecting. :peace:


Active Member
maybe some guano? also you don't think it will be too strong to put fresh cuttings in that soil, If mixed properly it will be pretty hot it may not even need the tea. But I have only recently switched to organics and premixin my soil so I don't know too much.. GL

Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
i was watching sub's youtube channel and he nearly lost his shit when someone asked if they could substitute A for B. He went UB on the question and said to stop asking stupid fucking questions, super soil can be tweaked but the original mix for sub's super soil is exactly what's listed.
Don't think i'm trashing your question .....It just reminded me of the vein that popped out of sub's head when the question was posed about his mix. Brothaman really takes his soil seriously. haha ....i'm sorry I wish i could share some useful info with you but good luck with your mix, rep for giving it go!
He later explained his "shitting" and its not that you have to stick to his recipe, it's that his recipe is what he knows, he doesn't know anything different and if he did and it was better than it would be mentioned but he gets asked the same thing over and over and over when its written right out for everyone in plain english. Sometimes his attitude is very misunderstood.


New Member
i vote: Guano.

there are lots of threads with variations on super soil. most of them work great. the most common mistake I saw is overdoing the nutes. careful with the compost tea.


The funny thing was cuttings were put into this mix and placed into Veg room for 2 weeks and looked great. After being put into the flowering room after vegging for 2 weeks by the 3rd or 4th week of flowering the leaves started curling under like a claw, yellowed uniformly, has purplish stems on the fan leaves and got some spots in the middle of the leaves on the oldest leaves first. It really seems to be specific to the taller longer flower strains?


Well-Known Member
He used 1/2 cup azomite. But he mixed into that 15lbs of the meals, 5blood, 5bone etc..,but the thing is he started with 8large bags of soil with coco etc that probably weighed mb 40 lbs each. Then the worm poop, that's 25-50 lbs. The trace minerals were added in tiny amounts comparatively. Epsom salts and humid acid and sweet lime rounded off the recipe. I think it's good to try to tweak it for your own grows. I'm doing something like that myself. I may have it lab tested to see a printed profile. Good luck with your version.


I went back and checked the math, if anyone can glance it over to see if it makes sense it is appreciated. Seems like I was way off with the Azomite which could be causing lockout?

Subs Recipe
8 large bags of high quality organic potting soil with coco and Mycorrhizae
25-50 lbs. of organic worm castings
5 lbs. of Blood meal 12-0-0
5 lbs. Bat guano 0-5-0
5 lbs. Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0
¾ cup Epsom salt
1 cup Sweet lime (Dolomite)
½ cup Azomite ( Trace element)
2 Tbs. powdered Humic acid

Smaller Conversion
10 Gallons of Base Soil
8 Cups of Castings
20 TBS Guano
20 TBS Bone
20 TBS Blood
1 1/2 TBS Epsom Salt
2 TBS Domolite Lime
1 TBS Azomite


New Member
there are weights on the packages of stuff you get. based on how much soil you use, adujst accordingly. its too hard to tell from your recipe. went from weight, to volume(cups, tsp, TBS, gallons, is super confusing and really easy too mess up). its a bad conversion {im an engineer, i would know ;) }.

I make usually 1/4 recepie. is super easy to add 1 pound of guano from a know weight of the box. mine came in 4 pounds, so i split it into 1/4's. I do the same for the rest of the stuff.

else i cant help you. different guanos and earth worms etc, weigh differently. 30TBS of one brand might not weigh the same as 30TBS as others.