Help with the law!

Hey All,

I'm piecing together my grow equipment right now, but I'm worried that the paper trail of grow items and, of course, the seeds will lead to me. Is there any chance that this could get me busted? Please help with advice on preventing and avoiding the Man!



Active Member
Whenever I purchase grow items from my local shop, I always use cash. I've yet to order seeds but I'm thinking of going with Attitude along with their stealth shipping by adding a mug or t-shirt. Their FAQ says your statement will show the transaction as Attitude Gifts I believe. Also, some items may be able to be picked up at hardware stores and the like so using a card wouldn't be that suspicious.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I purchase grow items from my local shop, I always use cash. I've yet to order seeds but I'm thinking of going with Attitude along with their stealth shipping by adding a mug or t-shirt. Their FAQ says your statement will show the transaction as Attitude Gifts I believe. Also, some items may be able to be picked up at hardware stores and the like so using a card wouldn't be that suspicious.
It does show up as Attitude Gifts. I can attest to this. If not that, than something equally as vague. I've used them, and had to think twice as to what I'd purchased when I saw the charge come through.

Buy your stuff in cash. Buy as much as you can from hardware stores or walmart. When buying large bags of soil or boxes of water, what have you, unload it from your car at night....through a back door if possible.

TELL NO ONE WHAT YOU'RE DOING. People get popped by pissed off exgirlfriends, or people you somewhat trust telling people you don't know and then them running their mouth in front of the wrong person.


Keep the outside of your house maintained. You want the neighbors, cops, mailman, ice cream man, dog catcher and baby walking brigade to walk right on by your house without noticing it.

oh, and tell no one.


Well-Known Member
Move to a place with medical weed, fuck these uppity/backwards ass pricks that don't accommodate the sick!


pay your bills (electric bills don't get looked at unless they go unpaid), don't be noisy (something like 40% of busts start as a noise complaint), be a good neighbor, practice good karma, DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR GROW (really can't emphasize that one enough), pay cash when you can, don't be stupid

it's better to order the seeds to second address, i.e. office or trusted friend, but i've had seeds shipped to me (in a red state) with no problems from attitudes; haven't ordered from nirvana but i'm sure they're good


i will say that the stealth shipping from attitudes was hardly stealth - i ordered a batch of the big bang with the stealth option along with a coffee mug. if customs had opened the package they would have immediately seen the seeds in their clear little baggy sitting neatly in my gift mug. luckily they didn't and now their popping out of the soil as i write.


Active Member
I've never ordered seeds BUT if I did I would use one of those gift cards you find in Duane reade or seven elven vanillas visa or w.e and I wouldn't deliver to the house I'd be growing at just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Lame lame lame.. FEDs dont waste their time with ORDERS less than 10k. and unless your Buying 5k lbs of soil and nutes from home depot no 1 will care. NO COP WANTS TO BUST ANYTHING LESS THAN 20,000 worth of plants. SO ALL THE BS IS FROM NEIGHBORS SNITCHING. this isnt a fking movie ppl.


Well-Known Member
I got my grow setups, seeds, lights, tents.. online. years ago.. till this day. no1 gives a damn cause their are ppl who are doing it 100x bigger than all of us. NO DOUBT
Thanks for the replies everyone. I didn't know if Big Bro would even flag shit like growing seeds or I was just being paranoid. I definitely won't tell anybody though. Somebody once told me that the odds of getting caught are equal to the square of the number of people who know about it...a Tom Clancy reference or something.

Anyway now to the seeds. I've done tons of research on different strains but I don't know what the market is looking for. Is it strength, species, price, taste, smell, color????? A little help please. I can start a new post if I need to.


Well-Known Member
Lame lame lame.. FEDs dont waste their time with ORDERS less than 10k. and unless your Buying 5k lbs of soil and nutes from home depot no 1 will care. NO COP WANTS TO BUST ANYTHING LESS THAN 20,000 worth of plants. SO ALL THE BS IS FROM NEIGHBORS SNITCHING. this isnt a fking movie ppl.
Meh, I dunno. I live in a somewhat small town. The cops in this town get excited about catching someone speeding. ...and I don't know about you, but I have nosy neighbors, and some of them are retired with nothing to do. All it takes it attracting attention once and they'll start watching harder. Loading 10 bags of potting soil in your house in the middle of December might be just enough to raise the wrong eyebrows.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Neighbors are biggest fear and of course a local cop will look into it if told. But THE " PAPERTRAIL" part is over-rated. FEDs only want big busts.. but any local nosey fuck will do the trick too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies everyone. I didn't know if Big Bro would even flag shit like growing seeds or I was just being paranoid. I definitely won't tell anybody though. Somebody once told me that the odds of getting caught are equal to the square of the number of people who know about it...a Tom Clancy reference or something.

Anyway now to the seeds. I've done tons of research on different strains but I don't know what the market is looking for. Is it strength, species, price, taste, smell, color????? A little help please. I can start a new post if I need to.
Depends. Are you growing this for yourself or for others? Depends on if you want to focus on yield or potency.
I was thinking of just going for a strong hybrid, in the upper teens of THC content with a good taste. What do you think, fruity or spicy?


Well-Known Member
The way I look at it, the paper trail only comes into play after they've noticed ya. They may think something's hinky and start looking, so you don't want to give them any reason to look in the first place. Think NCIS, CSI, all those acronym crime shows, etc. They always pull the financial records of the suspect. All ya gotta do is....NOT be a suspect.