Help with vege stage


Active Member
Hi I am new to growing as was wondering if I have enough lights for veg stage I'm only doing 1plant I have two 26w bulbs one 20w one 12w one one 6w florescent tube light ? I also have a 160w duel spectrum cfl witch I wanted to use for flowering is this ok ? Thanks


Well-Known Member
You have enough lights to veg a plant and all, but you're going to want something more powerful when you flower. I suggest buying a HID light.
Seems pretty good, you definitely have a lot for one plant in Veg. Thats good news.

The dual spectrum CFL in yellow will be good for flowering if you add that in. Change a couple of your other CFLs for yellow ones too, definitely want like at least 2:1 yellow light.

But that sounds good dude. Take some pics


Active Member
Thanks lads seed poped 4days ago seems to be growing I'll take pics as it gets bigger mate thanks again