Help with Very little space

First... i need to be stealthy for my misfortune so, i have to go trough the "hard way" of the little grow room.
Second i had the problem of finding a space decent enough and the best i can come up with at the moment is

37cmx37cm (base) and 50cm high

It is very little (but at least a little more than a computer box) i don't want to grow a lot i wish just to obtain a decent quantity for personal use (2 plants to 4 plants? more likely 2 in that space)

I think that being the first time i could go with CFLs lights (how many i may need inside there?) not to generate too high temperature (otherwise i would go for hps) and using computer fans (one 8x8 intake and two 12x12 out, was the plan)

What kind of seeds i may be better to use? (or i can get some clones from a friend too) and how to keep them "down"?

I am a complete beginner at this so every advice will be very well accepted and i am sorry for the english it may not be perfect ^^' thanks anyone!
I will do surely thanks! anyway, my concern is not to grow a great quantity of it, even suceeding in growing one or two plants would make me very happy, i do this most for the joy for simply doing it :)


Well-Known Member
for sure man, its feels great, knowing that the blunt, joint, bong, or what ever you prefer to light up, is filled with some sweet home grown ganja.

as far as seed recommendations, id go with an auto-flowering plant or some other type of indica.
for the lighting, i am running a similar size closet grow with 2 cfl's over 3 plants if that gives you some idea. more light cant hurt, just watch your temps.

Happy Growing!

j h

Well-Known Member
for sure man, its feels great, knowing that the blunt, joint, bong, or what ever you prefer to light up, is filled with some sweet home grown ganja.

as far as seed recommendations, id go with an auto-flowering plant or some other type of indica.
for the lighting, i am running a similar size closet grow with 2 cfl's over 3 plants if that gives you some idea. more light cant hurt, just watch your temps.

Happy Growing!
just wondering what wattage cfls you are using if you just got two cfls for 3 plants? and temp problems how ya fixed that cause i got like 2 20 gal rubbermaid tubs stacked with 6 13 watt 2500k and 4 26 watt 5500k cfls over two plants and i am constantly fighting the temp, i also have a diy carbon filter on the intake and one on the exhaust for air flow and a diy co2 in the tubs also. to the original thread creator i hope my response helps you out.
i am still fighting with the choice of right illumination kind... up to now i am quite convinced going for 4x23w 6500k and 4x42w 2700k
Since i may go with autofolwering plants probaby i can also not use less of the 6500 since they have almost no vegetative time...

Or i may go with one 250hps (i will have vents for temperature clearly)
i am still fighting with the choice of right illumination kind... up to now i am quite convinced going for 4x23w 6500k and 4x42w 2700k
Since i may go with autofolwering plants probaby i can also not use less of the 6500 since they have almost no vegetative time...

Or i may go with one 250hps (i will have vents for temperature clearly)

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Get an HPS. CFL's DO get hot, especially a lot of them together like you're describing. You'll get more lumens for less watts with an HPS. You can get a 150w if the 250 is too big, but I suggest getting the biggest you can find/afford/fit.

And a cooltube may be a solid investment to keep temps down.

Seeds--Lowryder or any other short plant. Autoflower is good for quick yield, but I hear potency can sometimes be diminshed (which makes sense considering you are essentially skipping veg and flowering under 18+ hours of light).

You could always try to build a cabinet that is bigger than your current situation too...lots of steath grows going on here, I'm sure you can find some inspiration if you look long enough!

Good Luck!:leaf:
I wish i had the space right now... but space is that i cannot get more loosing all the stealthyness :( and the problem is not the temperature but the price i am trying staying low as much as i can because it is not really a great moment ^^ i plan to get better materials when possible


Well-Known Member
walmart here in canada has 42 watt CFLS in the red spectrum for 7 bucks. i run 9 of them and they do get my closet hot as hell this is 6 feet of space. dont skip out on venting, if ur gunna grow in that small of a space ur gunna need some serious air moving through her and LST the shit out the of the plant from the start if ur not using auto flower. CFL's dont get much light to the lower branches so LST is a must


Well-Known Member
any cfl less than a 125w is a waste, the 125+ were all designed for plant growing..
i ran a 250 hps against a 250 cfl and the cfl whooped it,,


Well-Known Member
well not a whole lot of quanity in a small space SOG its a good match for you. and a even better match since you don't want to have any veg time. Your rocking and rollin already with the right idea... have at it and build your grow slow you won't spend a huge chunk but gain piece's along the way. I think most of us on here grow that way. 8)