help with watering outdoors

hi im new to this site and was wanting to get any advice on how anyone keeps there plants watered out bush.

i cant visit the grow site everday due to work so i need an automatic watering system that can water the plants whilst im away.

something to water them for four days would be perfect as i could visit the site every four days and re-fill watever system i end up going with.

any advice would be realy appreciated, peace.


Well-Known Member
If you are growing outside and the plants are in the ground and not a container you should be fine without watering more than once every 4 days. If they are in the ground give the area around the plant a good watering and they should be just fine. If they are in containers you might try to partally bury the containers to help on evaporation of the water instead of going very elaborate on a water system. A little more info would help as to your growing conditions to answer better. Happy Growing
hey thnx for the reply, im going to be growing in containers out bush because the earth here is way to shitty for growing.

It gets prety hot here in the days like up to around 45 degrees so will the plants be ok going four days in the sun without being watered?

oh and at wat age is it best to introduce them into direct sunlight?
also will it be ok using fertilizer on the plants after three weeks in direct sunlight? im worried they will just burn up!! thnx for the help man, peace owt