Help with weak stems


Active Member
I have 3 females going outdoors in 1 month..SLH....there 2.5ft now but have weaker stems,, not to skinny but not thick for me,,, any tips on how to thicken them up?


Well-Known Member
a fan will strengthen the stems and maybe put your light closer if you can
He's growing outdoors. so he can't really get the light closer to the plants lol. He could add a fan, run it on an extension cord but that might draw a little more attention to what he's doing lol.

Do your plants have enough Nitrogen?


RIU Bulldog
You can work the stem by squeezing it between your thumb and forefinger until you hear a light crackle/crispy sound. Don't do it so much that the stem ends up shaped like a football " () " your stem should be " O " shaped. The plant will lean over it the stem are worked out enough but it shouldn't look weird or awkward. If you do this enough times a day it will bulk your stem up significantly. Just work the stem all over. When you hear the cellulose crack you can move on the next part of the plant. Eventually you can work a plant enough to be able to bend stems that were previously hard and brittle.

I do a little more but I can't explain it well enough to recommend it...
Basically it take the more flexible parts of the stem, closer to the top of the plant (warning: do no do this to the stiff parts of the plant or you WILL break it in half) between my middle finger and forefinger and carefully bend the plant slowly untilI can get it to bend 90 degrees or more, as kind of a bend and stretch exercise.

Then I grab just above and just below the part of the stem want to work with both hands, and twist my fingers in opposite directions to break and stretch the cellulose inside the plants.

If you do this everyday, for 20 minutes a day, you can get stronger stems without having to use additives or spend any money.


Active Member
He's growing outdoors. so he can't really get the light closer to the plants lol. He could add a fan, run it on an extension cord but that might draw a little more attention to what he's doing lol.

Do your plants have enough Nitrogen?
Actually if you read the op it says

I have 3 females going outdoors in 1 month..SLH....there 2.5ft now but have weaker stems,, not to skinny but not thick for me,,, any tips on how to thicken them up?
So there you have it. i say add a fan as well;)


Well-Known Member
Actually if you read the op it says

So there you have it. i say add a fan as well;)
Wow, you are right lol. I must have miss read.

So yes I would say add a fan, get the lights closer, add some nitrogen and if you feel like it do the super cropping/pinching stems method


Well-Known Member
use silica blast from botanicare. also place a fan on our plant and super crop all are viable options.