Help Wtih Cabon Filter ! :)


Active Member
Hey guys need some help with setting up carbon filter and air circulations

i got a 4x4 tent and want to get the carbon filter and stuff but dont know what to get or really how to set it up ..

if i have it set up to take out the air
i probably need something bringing in fresh air?

and if so where i can i get the stuff in canada??seems about 200 bucks to do it all...

any help would be awesome!!



Well-Known Member
I run a 3x3x6 space, I have a 4" exhaust fan rated at 200cfms. I picked up a 4" mountain air carbon filter and secured the filter directly to the fan which is hooked directly to the top exhaust vent. My fan pulls air through the filter and I have these as close to the top of the tent as I can. Some filters require you to buy a flange to connect to the fan, my particular filter did not require one, be sure to check before you purchase one. Works like a charm btw, Good Luck!:leaf:

Also you can use a passive intake by opening one of the vents in the bottom of the tent, I do this and have a oscillating fan blowing on my girls. When the lights are on I have a small inline fan on hooked to the outside of the tent pushing air in the tent as well...


Active Member
One method I use is re-circulation filtering. I used a fan inside the room, that didn't vent outside, instead took the air down a pipe, and passed it through a condensation trap that you can get for old style tumble driers. Only my trap has a lot of active carbon in it, and the air blown by the fan forces the stinky air into/onto the active carbon. The air then leaks out back into the room via holes in the trap. Can fabricate that for cheapness from parts on eBay.

Pro's: Keeps ambient room smells suppressed to a degree.

Con's: It isn't part of the air ventilation system, so need a seperate means to allow air to circulate.

You need fresh air in, and fresh air out to keep the oxygen/CO2 levels fresh. An inline carbon filter (connected to your outlet pipe from your fan, between the grow room and the outside vent) is definately easier, as combines the two together. Its a cheap build, and good for keeping the smells down, albight not eliminated. Not ideal for a full time setup, but its certainly an option if pennies are a factor at the mo.

Another option is an ionizer. You can get one for very cheap, and work throughout the house as plug-in's. Now these alone won't do much to keep your lovely ganjy smells under control, but used throughout the house they can help take care of stink leak.

Lots of options for fighting smells and air circulation. Depending on the scale of your grow, you won't automatically need some of the fancy gear the bigger growers use, just use common sense and get what you need in proportion to your levels of stinkage. Don't need to spend big to tackle the issue, a little ingenuity and pre-planning can save a lot of money.

When in doubt - window shopping on eBay for prices, options and ideas.