Help! Yellow/Brown lower leaves - Plant droopy, leaf curling

Hey guys, hoping you can help me out with diagnosing my plant. First time grower.

See pics, yellowing/browning lower leaves, all other leaves really droopy, growth halted

Growing indoor (CFL) - Still in veg phase 18/6 light
Watering whenever top few inches of soil is dry (just watered yesterday, soil still wet)
Water has ph of 6.5, measured the runoff, it is the same.
Humidity around 55%, temp at 28 C
Using MG organic soil
Been using for the last couple waterings Schultz 10-15-10 plant food (7 drops per liter, too much? Worked my way up to this amount)

Thinking nutrient burn (due to MG soil and too much food). Any ideas?



First off you need to check the pH of your water 6.2 to 6.6 is optimal, could be nitrogen deficiency this is what my plant looked like from a magnesium def I added epsom salt to my water and it seems to be helping...last pick was before epsom second is 1 day after feeding w epsom 1st pic is lifesaver (jacks cleaner x BOG bubblegum) clone only strain as far as i can find...



First off you need to check the pH of your water 6.2 to 6.6 is optimal, could be nitrogen deficiency this is what my plant looked like from a magnesium def I added epsom salt to my water and it seems to be helping...last pick was before epsom second is 1 day after feeding w epsom 1st pic is lifesaver (jacks cleaner x BOG bubblegum) clone only strain as far as i can find... kinda looks over watered too
Thanks for the replies. I'll definitely let it dry out over the next week and see if that helps.

Seems like there is a lot of overlap in the different plant symptoms - doesn't make it easy on a noob like me! Any other suggestions or tips, let me know!


Well-Known Member
lol give up and start over.... jk buddy. I feel your pain though.... but i have no experience to be giving advice.
lol give up and start over.... jk buddy. I feel your pain though.... but i have no experience to be giving advice.
haha - hopefully it would go a lot smoother next time when i start over, knowing what i know now. Never grew a plant in my life!

Thanks, i went through a similar guide earlier, narrowed the problem down to nitrogen def., manganese def., nute. burn., or overwatering. Overwatering seems to fit in my case.


I would agree. You might want to invest in a moisture meter. They are cheap and normally come in combos so they will test moisture and ph for example. That way you can just water when you get in the red, at least thats what I do. Granted I only handle the flowering part of a perpetual grow in a dueplex so all i deal with is five gallon buckets but it will still prolly help.


Uh i have the same problem idk wat kinda ph level or wht ever im growing it outside in a pot umm the round leaves are brown curled up the ones after the round ones are yellow curling up its about a month and a half really little it been raining so i dnt really got to water it but it looks like its dying what can i do heellppp anybody