

Well-Known Member
Noticed that my leaves where starting to do this. Just a few days after i started using a.n b52. Stopped using it and flushed. Tryed cal mag. And i looked for bugs with a jewlers loop whitch i couldnt find. I also dont spray my plants with a water bottle or have a humidifier going. But i still keep gettingbleafs go like this



Well-Known Member
Can you say more about your setup? Strain, grow media, nutes, feed/water sched, ph, RH, temps, lights?

I see a teenie bit of nute burn on leaf tips, but not too bad. At first glance, the leaf looks like calcium deficiency, but more info is better.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Noticed that my leaves where starting to do this. Just a few days after i started using a.n b52. Stopped using it and flushed. Tryed cal mag. And i looked for bugs with a jewlers loop whitch i couldnt find. I also dont spray my plants with a water bottle or have a humidifier going. But i still keep gettingbleafs go like this
Over all your plants look fine. One leaf taken out of context doesn't help. You'd have to show the part on the plant where that's happening and then give more information.


Well-Known Member
Can you say more about your setup? Strain, grow media, nutes, feed/water sched, ph, RH, temps, lights?

I see a teenie bit of nute burn on leaf tips, but not too bad. At first glance, the leaf looks like calcium deficiency, but more info is better.
There white rhino clones i took off my plant in march. My water ph is allways 6.5. Temp has been going up and down where its been so cold out side latly. But stay around 19 to 26. Humidity is around 50 to 65.i been feeding it floral base nutes and b 52 and cal mag but i only give my plants nutes once a week and just phed water if i need more and my tent is 2x4 5 feet tall and i have 2 aglex 650w lights. I noticed this started happening once i opened my new bottle of b52


Well-Known Member
Also i should add that when i start moving leafs around some days to make sure there is no bugs i notice random water on the leafs.


Well-Known Member
I have looked at all the dead leafs all the yellow leafs and some good leafs with my x40 jewlers loop. i noticed a few black dots witch i think r just dirt. I cant see anything moving around at all. Also some of the leafs with these brown dots are next to my fan and blows those branches around pretty good. And iv read spider mites dont like wind


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I have looked at all the dead leafs all the yellow leafs and some good leafs with my x40 jewlers loop. i noticed a few black dots witch i think r just dirt. I cant see anything moving around at all. Also some of the leafs with these brown dots are next to my fan and blows those branches around pretty good. And iv read spider mites dont like wind
Spider mites don't mind wind. Black dots, are you sure that isn't insect frass? In a room that close I'd pull them off the table and get under them with very good light and magnification and check them over very closely.

Overall your plants look good. But you have them packed very closely together so if you do have pests it will become obvious soon. I would get more than 40X magnification and use a lot of light and I would go over them very carefully. Take a look at your soil too.

Hopefully @OldMedUser will be able to tell you something about MaxiGro and ProMix because there you're on your own. I hope for the best and look forward to hearing what you find out.


Well-Known Member
My ears are burning. Someone's been taking my name in vain! labrat.gif :)

From that first pic of the single leaf it looks like classic calcium deficiency but the pic of the whole plant beside it looks just fine so if a random leaf here and there I'd give it a full dose of calmag and not worry unless you see lots more of it. I don't fret about odd leaves here and there going bad. I check them for bugs with my 5X Sherlock homes style magnifying glass and can see mites and thrips just fine. Got thrips now and can see the adults with just my reading glasses on but the babies are harder to spot.

There white rhino clones i took off my plant in march. My water ph is allways 6.5. Temp has been going up and down where its been so cold out side latly. But stay around 19 to 26. Humidity is around 50 to 65.i been feeding it floral base nutes and b 52 and cal mag but i only give my plants nutes once a week and just phed water if i need more and my tent is 2x4 5 feet tall and i have 2 aglex 650w lights. I noticed this started happening once i opened my new bottle of b52
I use AN 3-part with the HP and I'm not sure what you mean by floral base nutes. Got a full name or link to website so I can check them out?

What's your water like? PPM/EC, hardness etc. I use RO water and with the pH Perfect nutes I don't bother checking pH but when I got some REMO nutes I checked and after a half dose of them in RO water it was dead on pH 6. HP has a good load of Ca in it with dolomitic and calcitic lime so I never use more than half doses of calmag and not every time. I would try lowering your pH to 5.5 or even 5 for one watering and if you have a bit of high pH micronutrient lockout that should help release them. The worst that will happen is nothing happens but if nothing happens do it again. There's not a lot of neutralizing power in a few more mls of pH down so if pH is too high it can take a bit to get it back into the right zone.

Overall your plants look real good so I wouldn't be too worried.



Well-Known Member
Forgot about those water drops. I see them once in awhile too but it's often because one leaf has laid on top of another and the moisture given off by the upper leaf's stomata gets trapped between them and water forms on the bottom leaf. If left like that for a few days the lower leaf goes brown where the water sits and people post freaking out about that too. :) I call it 'sweat burn' for lack of a better term.



Well-Known Member
My bad this is the base nutrients i was talking about. And i dont have a ppm meter or a soil meter(bought one online never worked). And i tryed giving it cal mag but maybe it wasnt enuff but thanks for the help everyone hopfully it stays away now.

