Help ????


Well-Known Member
hey ppl, im getting this brown stains r spots on leaves of one of my plants. At first i thought it was a defficienciy (i only saw them today), but i also noticed theres a water leak at the top just above that plant. Could this be done by water drops fallin on those leaves all the time? or is it a Mg deff? or any other opinions???



Well-Known Member
smokey, i rotate the plants for a better light coverage, and well i take em out and in n rotate, but thats the only one that has been under the leak


Well-Known Member
oh no, its a growtent outdoors, its kinda small greenhouse, and its got a hole at the top, and its been raining like hell...


Well-Known Member
my guess would be it is a light burn/bleach situation after the water hits it and than burns the tissue. i mean it looks like a def on those leaves, but judging by the overall plant I say no. fix the leak and see if it progresses. and double check all your shit like ph and ect which I am sure you are already doing.


Well-Known Member
hey man...same same... I think your fine... like Smokeybandit mentioned the plant overall looks healthy...

Use tinfoil tape to fix leaks.. (youll thank me later)...

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I flushed this one, and its not looking good at all, all fan leaves feel kinda dryish, and getting brown, and now curling , fuk this ones messed up bad lol, i just foliar fed a tad cuz i know its got no food at all. lets see what happens


Well-Known Member
I mean those original fans leaves that got dripped on were not going to get better-only worse so this could be expected. it is the new growth you have to watch for any telltales signs. why doesnt she have food?
this could now be a nute issue
what are you feeding?


Active Member
could be a food problem or a light burn from the drips. I had that problem when I decided to do a foliage feed on my outdoor kids years ago. I sprayed in the full sun at about 11 am (dumb) and on the next visit there were tons of little yellow specs that turned to brown holes, it was from the droplets of water becoming little lenses on the leaves burnin tiny holes in em.


Well-Known Member
i thought it was that,. but now its spreading to other leaves, and some new growth, and its been away from the leak some time and flushed too


Well-Known Member
every garden center, home depot/ace truvalue, walmart. and dont foliar feed. try dropping the humidity a tad and rasing the lights a tad as well unless you r using sunlight. it looks like a sever potassium or calcium deficiency inthose first pics of the youner plants. could be ph as well. the lime contains mg and calcium and will help stablize your ph.

those last pics-the first one those leaves are gonna continue to die-that last pic is new-now you can see a little better the problem. that looks like a mg deficency. or K-need better pics of that one. getting closer...


Well-Known Member
oh those are all the same plant smokey, bthanx , i already added epsom salts and fed just a tad, hope that gets it betta... ill keep u updated