

Active Member
help mee
my humidity is droppping even moeree
it is at 19%

my temp is ok tho
it is at 80 f
but humdity is 19%

i am using a 400w mh for my seedlings right now
i am in my 5 day after sprout
i have a 6 "vortex fan that exhaust my hot air
my fan moves 449 cfm
my room size is 6ft width 4 ft length and 8 ft high
i also have a mini osi fan to maintain temp
how come my humditiy will not go up?
is my fan sucking too much air ?
is it bad for my plants to have suc low humidity?
what should i do?



Well-Known Member
Buy a small humidifier from WM. That would solve it. They aren't very expensive. Or you can go ghetto and can put a small bucket of water in your grow area. You could add an oscillating fan and install the bucket behind your fan. As the water evaporates, the humidity will go up.


Well-Known Member
Or add a cheap and small water fountain. You can pick these up at second hand stores. Just clean with bleach first. Will add humidity and tranquility. :)


Well-Known Member
Or add a cheap and small water fountain. You can pick these up at second hand stores. Just clean with bleach first. Will add humidity and tranquility. :)
mogie, the last one i stumbled over was going for well over 100 bucks, in a second hand store, and that thing really wasn't to impressive looking either...

but the pumps for those fountains go for less then 10bucks and those placed into a rubbermaid box, some holes in the lid and volá, fountain green'style for under 15bucks and you are sure that it will run;)