


that woul be the best thing if your gonna do a transplant. use something not prenuted. if potting soil is all you can fin use it just add a shitload of perlite to that since its soo thick


Well-Known Member
lol hahah you guys kill me watch he is gonna run into the same problems after transplanting into thesame soil with only more perlite. you need some dolamite lime bro or epson salt
I'm gonna have to call you out Smoking Baby and ask you what have you grown? The reason I ask is because I have followed you for some time now :roll: and you give the wrong advice on just about everything. It's like you have no idea what the ph is suppose to be, nutes, lights, freaking everything. But there you go telling people to trim off leaves in 12/12,etc.. I feel bad sometimes coming in behind you and cleaning up after your poor and misguided advice, so please tell me whats in your garden, whats your temps, ph, soil, nutes , lay out for me.


Well-Known Member
wow thanks everyone so much i think i maybe watering them too frequently. fucken miracle gro had no idea about the auto nute thing which makes me even more frustrated that I increased a bit more than half a teaspoon of flora nova into the the water, what would you recommend . transplanting the whole plant to better quality soil or just adding the perlite?

and if i was to add the perlite can I just pile the perlite on top of soil or do i need to fill up a pot and mix em all again?

and sorry for so many questions but im still not too sure about the watering schedule if I was to water once every four days should i give my plant about a whole cup of water or more?

and do i water with nutes or go once ever 4 day with natural water and after with nute water and keep cycling?

thanks from the comments from everyonekiss-ass

o and the most important question do they still have a shot of giving sum dank buds?
Yo slime, I know its popular to hate on Miracle Gro but I gotta tell you, it has worked miracles for me and I love it! You just gotta know that when you grow with MG that you don't use nutes, none! MG has everything you need built in and growing weed has never been so easy!

It's your choice. you're stuck now. You can either not water until the plant starts to droop and hope that she recovers or you can transplant and try to clean the roots. Since you added Flora Nova and you can't flush MG soil, my money is on death but you never know. Cannabis is an extraordinarily resilient species.


Yeah i agree you would want to transplant her in to some soil with perlite if you do in time you will have a good chance of survival like ive be told cannabis always bounces back.


for ph purposes! this is no longer a free lesson in growing. either add the shit i told you or transpant into new un nuted soil im out peace


Well-Known Member
I think transplanting is best, but I also think you need to stick with the medium that you started with (mg). I don't like it because I like to add my nutes and bump them up very high. I also prefer to flush every 30days. Other than that, I do not hate it I just prefer FF ocean forest.


Well-Known Member
that woul be the best thing if your gonna do a transplant. use something not prenuted. if potting soil is all you can fin use it just add a shitload of perlite to that since its soo thick
God damn it CHI... GO AWAY Dude! Are you a straight up narc or maybe a pissed off dealer who wants the street market to be poor or limited??



The reason you use Perlite is to increase drainage, Perlite has no nutrients and therefor lends itself well to any soil base, especially time released fertilizer bases. The important thing to remember is that when you transplant you're going to need to get all the MG off the roots. You will have to actually clean the roots themselves to get it all off and thats a risky procedure. If I were you I would wait and if things get dire then I would attempt the transplant, root cleaning surgery or I would just start all over and do things correctly from the giddy-up.


I'm gonna have to call you out Smoking Baby and ask you what have you grown? The reason I ask is because I have followed you for some time now :roll: and you give the wrong advice on just about everything. It's like you have no idea what the ph is suppose to be, nutes, lights, freaking everything. But there you go telling people to trim off leaves in 12/12 and use 16oz cups from start to finish,etc.
I feel bad sometimes coming in behind you and cleaning up after your poor and misguided advice, so please tell me whats in your garden, whats your temps, ph, soil, nutes , lay out for me.
lol when did i say do a whole grow in a 16 z dixie cup? i said i vegged in 16 oz dixies for over a month with no prob.
and has far has trimmin leaves in 12/12 it can be done and in my opinion should be done if the foliage is too thick and is blocking light from other budsites..

setup is has follows 250 watt hps with 7 females plants of diffrent strains in a 20 gallon tote yes fucker tote. filled with m.g. moisture control soil. cuzz is all i could find commrcially and there are no hydro shops close. with a osc. fan i can get my 250 4-5 inches from th tops w/o burning the ph of my soil is like 5.8 or 6 some like that the temp never gets above 75. and i am trying to use dutch mastrs advanced nutes i say trying cuzz i have used i once at 1/4 strenght and it burnt some of my smaller plants. cuzz the m.g. soil is so fucking loaded with its own shit. anyway im pretty sure next your gonna ask for pics. im not showing any untill i harvest for security purposes. but i will post a harvest pic. sometime in the near future if you dont like or dont beleave me too bad. ill prove you wrong when i do peace

ooo and the reason i used a tote was because i wanted to make my best use of space and the liht i have wich you know is good fo a 2 by 2 area and mal fuck you yo aint shit


Well-Known Member
lol when did i say do a whole grow in a 16 z dixie cup? i said i vegged in 16 oz dixies for over a month with no prob.
and has far has trimmin leaves in 12/12 it can be done and in my opinion should be done if the foliage is too thick and is blocking light from other budsites..

setup is has follows 250 watt hps with 7 females plants of diffrent strains in a 20 gallon tote yes fucker tote. filled with m.g. moisture control soil. cuzz is all i could find commrcially and there are no hydro shops close. with a osc. fan i can get my 250 4-5 inches from th tops w/o burning the ph of my soil is like 5.8 or 6 some like that the temp never gets above 75. and i am trying to use dutch mastrs advanced nutes i say trying cuzz i have used i once at 1/4 strenght and it burnt some of my smaller plants. cuzz the m.g. soil is so fucking loaded with its own shit. anyway im pretty sure next your gonna ask for pics. im not showing any untill i harvest for security purposes. but i will post a harvest pic. sometime in the near future if you dont like or dont beleave me too bad. ill prove you wrong when i do peace

ooo and the reason i used a tote was because i wanted to make my best use of space and the liht i have wich you know is good fo a 2 by 2 area and mal fuck you yo aint shit
Please go somewhere else with your lies.


Active Member
God damn it CHI... GO AWAY Dude! Are you a straight up narc or maybe a pissed off dealer who wants the street market to be poor or limited??



The reason you use Perlite is to increase drainage, Perlite has no nutrients and therefor lends itself well to any soil base, especially time released fertilizer bases. The important thing to remember is that when you transplant you're going to need to get all the MG off the roots. You will have to actually clean the roots themselves to get it all off and thats a risky procedure. If I were you I would wait and if things get dire then I would attempt the transplant, root cleaning surgery or I would just start all over and do things correctly from the giddy-up.

argh man that is so shitty to hear, i think im just going to transplant to new soil and everything how do i clean the roots ?


Well-Known Member
argh man that is so shitty to hear, i think im just going to transplant to new soil and everything how do i clean the roots ?
I take back that bit of advise. The plant looks small enough so the root mass should be small also. If you transplant into new soil be careful to water around the edges of the container and not close enough to the stem that the water will release the MG nutes. The roots should spread out in search of the water and the old MG soil wont be an issue as long as you don't water it.


Well-Known Member
lol when did i say do a whole grow in a 16 z dixie cup? i said i vegged in 16 oz dixies for over a month with no prob.
and has far has trimmin leaves in 12/12 it can be done and in my opinion should be done if the foliage is too thick and is blocking light from other budsites..

setup is has follows 250 watt hps with 7 females plants of diffrent strains in a 20 gallon tote yes fucker tote. filled with m.g. moisture control soil. cuzz is all i could find commrcially and there are no hydro shops close. with a osc. fan i can get my 250 4-5 inches from th tops w/o burning the ph of my soil is like 5.8 or 6 some like that the temp never gets above 75. and i am trying to use dutch mastrs advanced nutes i say trying cuzz i have used i once at 1/4 strenght and it burnt some of my smaller plants. cuzz the m.g. soil is so fucking loaded with its own shit. anyway im pretty sure next your gonna ask for pics. im not showing any untill i harvest for security purposes. but i will post a harvest pic. sometime in the near future if you dont like or dont beleave me too bad. ill prove you wrong when i do peace

ooo and the reason i used a tote was because i wanted to make my best use of space and the liht i have wich you know is good fo a 2 by 2 area and mal fuck you yo aint shit
That is by far some of the dumbest thing you can do: "has far has trimmin leaves in 12/12 it can be done and in my opinion should be done if the foliage is too thick and is blocking light from other budsites.."

The fan leaves convert and store more energy for the plant than any other leaf. The more energy the plant generates the healthier the buds that is just millions of years of genetics at work.

I do not remove them until they are almost ready to fall off. The yellowing in the fan leaves at late harvest is the plants metabolism at work. She is transferring all stored energy in the fan leaf to bud production. It is the easiest source of energy she has late in life. Once again millions of years of genetics can't be wrong or we wouldn't have weeds to grow now.

You are not a grower! But some advice for you, since you want to pretend to be one, Copy and paste someone elses advice.
Oh one more thing Smoking Baby, find another forum to throw dirt and nonsense.:fire:


Well-Known Member
Oh here is so more dumb ass things you do~

"7 females plants of diffrent strains in a 20 gallon tote yes fucker tote" ~ do you know why? No ofcourse not NEXT~

"the ph of my soil is like 5.8 or 6" Next~

"and i am trying to use dutch mastrs advanced nutes" (you are growing in) "m.g. moisture control soil." NEXT~

" im pretty sure next your gonna ask for pics." No I don't think we want to see any pirated pics of someone else's grow. Might be one of ours.



hhahaha fuck you. can you find were i gave bad advice? were did i tell someone to do a whole grow in a 16 oz cup??? please show me that!!! now you can keep mothers in small ass pots by trimming the rootball. but still show m were i said that. if you dont like what im sayin and its contrary to what you beleave blow me!!! i don care what you think. really. i was tryin to help dude i dont see how this gt turned into all this? and since you guys are such good growers why dont you tell him whats wrong? seems like imthe only one saying anything on that.