

Well-Known Member
need more info, setup, soil, temps, watering schedule, nutes etc... fill in all the details so we can better help you.


Active Member
my setup is just my closet. my dirt is scotts potting soil. and no nutes yet. and i water went the top of the dirt feels dry


Well-Known Member
Ok, not alot of info but you are probably watering way to much which one will kill your plant and two and grow mold and mildew. I've had to address this same problem at least 3 different times today seems to be common in new growers.

When growing in soil many ppl water way to much the top of your soil will dry out very fast and you think it needs watered however deeper down in the soil it can still be very wet. A good rule of thumb is to lift and feel how heavy the container is when the soil is brand new and completely dry, then water until it starts to trickle out of the drain holes at the bottom. Now lift and feel how heavy it is.

Do not water again until you can lift it and it feels "empty" again. I usually only water every 4-7 days depending on plant size temps etc. Its far easier to over water than it is to underwater.


Well-Known Member
Ok, not alot of info but you are probably watering way to much which one will kill your plant and two and grow mold and mildew. I've had to address this same problem at least 3 different times today seems to be common in new growers.

When growing in soil many ppl water way to much the top of your soil will dry out very fast and you think it needs watered however deeper down in the soil it can still be very wet. A good rule of thumb is to lift and feel how heavy the container is when the soil is brand new and completely dry, then water until it starts to trickle out of the drain holes at the bottom. Now lift and feel how heavy it is.

Do not water again until you can lift it and it feels "empty" again. I usually only water every 4-7 days depending on plant size temps etc. Its far easier to over water than it is to underwater.
I do agree.


Well-Known Member
If you can I would might as well move it to a big enough pot to last your entire grow and if possible mix some perlite in with the soil it will help with water retention and make it slightly harder for you to over water as the water will drain through the soil mix easier.


Well-Known Member
look into a hempy bucket for your next grow i just started mine and it seems easy for a new grower and they have had some good results .


Active Member
If you can I would might as well move it to a big enough pot to last your entire grow and if possible mix some perlite in with the soil it will help with water retention and make it slightly harder for you to over water as the water will drain through the soil mix easier.
where do you get perlite. where i live all the garden stores or closed till spring cuz there almost 2ft of snow one the ground


Well-Known Member
i just started mine my last grow was soil i think this is way better.mine started in rock-wool but you can use the little seed pellets that expand when you water them.not sure what they are but they came with my dome. and work good



Well-Known Member
from what i read its easier and you get a better harvest its a cross between hydo and soil i've seen people say they get 14oz from a 2.5 gal bucket


Well-Known Member
Alot less things to go wrong, you have complete control over the PH level and the nutes like you do in a hydro but without the pumps and res. etc that you have with hydro so less likely to have problems with things going down or developing bacteria or algae like alot of hydro grows have problems with.

I like the concept and plan to do my next grow in them I believe.


Well-Known Member
props can be given in the form of +rep via the little scales looking icon in the top right of our posts, thank you come again! lol


Well-Known Member
i've looked around and see a lot of people that have done a few of these use a 2-3 gallon bucket with just perlite. and water with half nutes every other day but i've also seen full nutes every 3 days so i'm thinking its flexible and very easy to fix if you over nute just give them plain water and its fixed. i'm doing both right now i have soil buckets and hempy buckets and this will be the last time i use soil.