

Active Member
I have stupidly been giving about 3.5 ph for a few weeks now and my plants are not happy:shock:. I have flushed them twice with fresh but the run off is still only 4.8. Any advice is most welcome..


Well-Known Member
where did you get that water from, the pool? or was it loaded with acidic nutrients?

if your plants arent dead already they should pull through

other than that the only advice i have is not to do that again lol


Active Member
well your on the bases side of the ph scale which is the better of the two! if you want to raise the ph to a neutral level 6 then get some lime (ground up limestone) this will raise the acidic levels!


Active Member
I didnt calibrate my meter for a long time , here in swizerland the water is very alkaline in winter so i was just pouring in the ph down like a madman..So if i carry on with normal veg regime and of course correct ph then they will recover???