

I need some advice on how to Re-crystallize the goo-like DMT its a descent amount but its nowhere near crystal or powder??/ Any ideas thanx.


Well-Known Member
You can use it as is, admitedly harder to measure. Think of it as hash oil...
Easier to smoke and measure if you infuse some plant matter, I can recommend mullein.

Also letting it air out and scraping it up alot will change it to a more waxy consistancy.
I'd at least try it with all the other plant alkaloids before seperating further. Some people like it.


good info on mixing it with plant matter it would save me some time, but i have heard that the goo type isnt as potent is this true? also thanx for the link morfin but in that tek i think they are referring to already crystalized dMT. iDk if the same tek will work with the goo igot..


Well-Known Member
yep, that will whack you, might be a little harsh on the chest after, but it looks like a good first effort.


Active Member
It was a magnificent experience. Very beautiful, elaborate patterns. During the trip I felt like my spirit and body separated. The whole time I felt some kind of energy, or being, or something behind me that I wasn't able to look at. It was softly chanting the word "accept" in a time pattern or something. But all in all it was great. I feel different but can't explain how so, it's weird.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, just go with it. A handy trick from meditation is to quiet that little voice in the back of your head while on (I guess any psycedelic) DMT, Is to say to yourself "shut up me" and repeat it every time the thoughts start pouring again. I laughed at the dude who taught me the trick, yet it is one of my most usefull skills now. Especialy when I have a hard time falling asleep... when not takeing a psycedelic to distract you, you can add just focusing on how your breathing lifts your stomach. Shutup me!


thats a nice extract for 40g good job!! glad to hear you got to exp the trip, i know what you mean by there being a person or entity near you, after a few more trips you probly will see it in front of you, great expirience though..


Active Member
Awesome, just go with it. A handy trick from meditation is to quiet that little voice in the back of your head while on (I guess any psycedelic) DMT, Is to say to yourself "shut up me" and repeat it every time the thoughts start pouring again. I laughed at the dude who taught me the trick, yet it is one of my most usefull skills now. Especialy when I have a hard time falling asleep... when not takeing a psycedelic to distract you, you can add just focusing on how your breathing lifts your stomach. Shutup me!
Why would I softly be chanting "accept" to myself though? There must be a more elaborate reason behind this because the chants would be broken up. EX: Accept Accept Accept Accept..................Accept Accept.....Accept Accept Accept Accept................Accept Accept, ect. The chanting wasn't in that exact order though. It was like it wasn't a pattern or anything, but it was. Errr, I can't even explain this to myself.


Active Member
thats a nice extract for 40g good job!! glad to hear you got to exp the trip, i know what you mean by there being a person or entity near you, after a few more trips you probly will see it in front of you, great expirience though..
I plan to only use DMT once every 6 months. The only other psychedelics I use are psilocybin mushrooms. I'll be trying LSD soon since I just got a 100% legit source.


Well-Known Member
Hey bran, I wasn;t implying you werre saying it to yourself... I am talking about the voice in the back of your head... the one that tries to analize things, make sure you are fine etc... basicaly our ego.


Active Member
Hey bran, I wasn;t implying you werre saying it to yourself... I am talking about the voice in the back of your head... the one that tries to analize things, make sure you are fine etc... basicaly our ego.
I didn't misinterpret what you were implying, I just typed my post wrong. But if you didn't know, that "voice in the back of your head" is your consciences. It's the judgment of your intellect that distinguishes right from wrong.


Well in truth the more yellowish orange the less potent but just smoke more use passion flower also it intesnsifies it greatly