

Ok so im new to growing and new to this forum. i just started a grow and already having some problems. Im using a 600w HPS air cooled light and a 460 CFM inline fan for a vent. i just transplanted my plants about a week and a half ago in to bigger pots. i used fox farm ocean forest for the soil and some of the plants arent looking too great. i have pictures so you guys can seeplant problems.jpgplant problems (2).jpg so if you guys could help me out it would be a great help


are you using plant food? how often do you water? do you have hard water? it looks like minor root damage. i cant see the roots, but when a plant takes some root damage, it has a hard time getting everything where it needs to go, and shows some problems up top. do you have a TDS meter? a TDS can help you determine whether your water is the problem. A good reading is about 75-100 ppm. if you take some clean water, and test it with a TDS, then pour it through the plant, catch the runoff, and test it again, you can see whether the plant has a lot of salt buildup. also, keeping your pH in the right range at every watering is essential. use the same process of pouring water through & testing the difference. use distilled or very low TDS water, because it will not hold its own pH, it will go to the pH of the medium as it runs through. go with 6.2-6.8 for soil plants. One of the first bits of knowledge i ever received about watering is still one of the best. you cant overwater a plant in a single watering, but you can water too often. the weight is a good indicator of when a potted plant needs a soaking.
good luck =D


Active Member
I'm not using plant food. i water when soil is dry 1 inch from surface and im using RO water not tap water
use the weight of the pots, you will find the surface drys fast bc of the light n is still wet down there....hows your soils drainage? perlite?


i agree with cowboylogic on the calmag. i dont think you are overwatering if you are 1 inch dry at the top. use some grow fertilizer. use the lowest recommended dose or less. set your pH. keep a 1kw bulb about 2 feet away from your tops, if the hood doesn't have a glass lens. you can get about 6 inches closer if you are using air cooled hoods with lenses. 6 inches doesnt sound like much, but at 3/4 the distance you are getting (4/3)^2 or 16/9 as much light. subtract about 25% for the lens itself and you are getting 12/9 or 1 1/3 as much. make sure there is enough wind that no part of your plant is ever completely still. it helps remove the moisture respirated from the leaves as well as heat, plus it will strengthen your stems to hold up the up and coming whoppers.

phenix white

Active Member
id bet money hes watering to often and needs to transplant new soil bigger pots trust me! the leaves are wilted its root rot ..just because ur top soil is dry a inch the lower its still ur roots are continuesly soaking in water.


Well I lifted my light and upped my watering and the plants have stopped wilting. I was expecting the damaged leaves to look better but there not. The new leaves are looking good though


Active Member
Well I lifted my light and upped my watering and the plants have stopped wilting. I was expecting the damaged leaves to look better but there not. The new leaves are looking good though
once the leaves turn that dark brown color thier basicly dead and what ever part of the leaf is that color will be there until it falls off. i wouldn't recomend pulling the leaves off unless about 80% of the leaf is brown. thats because as long as the leaf is somewhat green there is still nuits in it and the plant can pull them out of the leaf. good luck.


Well-Known Member
yeah re pot them.That will put air in roots straight away.In the new pots dont water as much, let pots get fairly light before watering ,this will give you a better root system and healthier plant