

Well-Known Member
PS..when should my seeds start to sprout in a wet paper towel??
It has taken me anywhere from 1 to 3 days to germinate a seed with the paper-towel method. I think someone already said it, but it has helped me if I put some water in a cup and just let the seed soak in it overnight before putting it in the paper-towel. Often, the seed will be sprouted within a few hours of putting it in water, but nonetheless, the integument will definitely be softened up and will open easier in paper towel after soaking.

Good luck with your grow and keep us posted!! :peace:



Well-Known Member
nice setup..since your first grow was completed mine may lok very similiar..wats up wit my seeds though..i got five and they been in a wet paper towel which is in a ziplock for 2 days shouldn't i see somethin by now..i think on is starting to crack but im not sure..any suggestions?
p.s. about how much did that lighting cost u??


Well-Known Member
nice setup..since your first grow was completed mine may lok very similiar..wats up wit my seeds though..i got five and they been in a wet paper towel which is in a ziplock for 2 days shouldn't i see somethin by now..i think on is starting to crack but im not sure..any suggestions?
p.s. about how much did that lighting cost u??


Cheese Head
which lighting you talking about the HID or the cfl's? If you'll notice farther through the grow my lighting and setup changes. But for the CFL setup all together with the bulbs and reflectors it was around $35. I got the more expensive cfl's you could prolly do it for $25 but its up to you.

As for the seeds give them some time mine took about 3-5 days soon as you see a white stem sticking out about 2mm put it in soil. Give it time. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions..


Well-Known Member
the cfls in the pic...about letting you know bout questions..sure thing..thanks man..i dont even got everything yet but i plan to ride this thing out..and i can do it with folks like thanks..tis will not be the last of this thread...


Well-Known Member
i got dirt from my back yard ..but just for the sprouts..its in the oven for sterilization..(another site told me it works)..sounds wierd but well see.


Well-Known Member
ok..out of my five seebs so far i see 2 of thm cracked andthey will sprout in the aper towel soon..its only been 2 and a half days..the other three still have a chance to sprout i guess?so here we go on my way!!!


Well-Known Member
qell this is my first time ..i know my share about the buds but there is nothin like experiene and hey..a newbie is a expectations aren't high at all..all i want is a yiel,not big not small not dirt not the bombayy,just a yield...long as you all help me get that..mission complete by time will be better ..i just need the initial experience under my belt..ok pics....heres the two seeds that popped first..i seen the white root coming out on two seeds and planted..



Well-Known Member
the first is three more seeds that havent popped yet.2 1/2 dayz..wait or throw em out??the second/third pic is my closet/grow room.a heater to keep temps up and a fan so it dont get stale in there..those lights are ghetto as hell but thell sprout the seeds ive seen it done..after sprouts come cfls(plan on that asap)how many cfls u suggest?more plants may sprout remember..the fourth is my seed in the wet paper towel under a heater for warmth(is this right)??..the fourth is my grow room/closet closed..its pretty effective to keep the lights in..when i get first sprouts ill post pics of em....pls give me some you can see I NEED help..keep in mind i dont want to spend a laod of money..THINK CHEAP..somethin will work eh??thnx



Well-Known Member
anybody dot some pointers or any comments about my wack ass setup..??they'd be VERY are here of evereything..more coming whenever first sprouts come


Cheese Head
dude you cant grow with those bulbs. THe seeds would sprout out of the dirt with no light at all there not helping at all there just making the soil hot and dried out.


Well-Known Member
not even to get sprouts??ive seen bud plants SPROUT numerous times with those bulbs..i know i wil get nothing more but you really dont think ill get sprouts???what do you think about the general setup(besides lighting) i plan on getting cfls soon..i know those bulbs dont give the proper spectrum at all but i am literally like DYING to grow..the urge must be satisfied(lol)plus there so close to the dirt..SOMETHING must happen??


Well-Known Member
No. You're better off putting them in a window during the day until you get the CFLs. Your sprouts will likely get burnt with an incandescent so close to them.


Well-Known Member
whats the average temp outside during the mid day? and temp on your plant? is it still sunny, or cloudy, or? I would really go get some cfls asap, raise the incandescent if you plan to continue using it. But if there is still sufficient amounts of light outside for atleast the majority of the day putting in front of a decent size window would be a better idea.


Cheese Head
Yeah definitely get rid of the incandescent put it by a window or something im about to give you some money to go get cfls I want your grow to succeed!