
hey whats up ppl. lookin for trusted sites for this 2ce stuff. really wanna try it but i dont wanna send my money somewere and not get the product. im 20 and broke... ya know what im sayin. anyways plz help. send a private msg plz


Well-Known Member
what's wrong with shrooms?

my opinion:
no pills, no powders - if it grows in the ground it is probably ok.


Active Member
what's wrong with shrooms?

my opinion:
no pills, no powders - if it grows in the ground it is probably ok.
That's bad logic. Pills contain powders. Powders are chemicals. There are many chemicals in everything that grows out of the ground. THC is a chemical. Psilocibin is a chemical. Chew coca leaves, that is a chemical as well. Many poisonous things grow from the ground. Many safe chemicals are synthesized by humans.

Although I do see benefit in that rule of thumb, the whole "If it aint green it aint clean" doesn't really have any scientific value.


Well-Known Member
what i mean is that people have been experimenting with natural substances for thousands of years (shamanic use) - and my attitude towards drugs is if it is natural i am happy to take it.
if it is synthetised by some bloke in his garage or worst by money grabbing bastards in some shady laboratory i don't trust it. simple.
if we could only have more legal substances available from known and trusted sources then my attitude would be quite different.
regardless of where you buy it - street dealer or some website you cant be really sure what is actually in it - where as with plants you grow yourself it is a different story.
that is my point of view - i know lot of people will disagree...
i am occasionally using some powders myself (very occasionally - used to a lot more in the past) BUT MY RECCOMENDATION IS STICK TO WHAT MOTHER NATURE GAVE US.



Well-Known Member
what i mean is that people have been experimenting with natural substances for thousands of years (shamanic use) - and my attitude towards drugs is if it is natural i am happy to take it.
if it is synthetised by some bloke in his garage or worst by money grabbing bastards in some shady laboratory i don't trust it. simple.
if we could only have more legal substances available from known and trusted sources then my attitude would be quite different.
regardless of where you buy it - street dealer or some website you cant be really sure what is actually in it - where as with plants you grow yourself it is a different story.
that is my point of view - i know lot of people will disagree...
i am occasionally using some powders myself (very occasionally - used to a lot more in the past) BUT MY RECCOMENDATION IS STICK TO WHAT MOTHER NATURE GAVE US.

yeah well the polio vaccine wasn't found growing on some tree. it was made in a lab, i have no fear of man made chemicals.


Well-Known Member
I do agree that most natural psychoactive substances carry much more spiritual value and joy than the synthetics for the most part. I have MUCH more life changing experiences of naturals (or even semi-naturals such as LSD). They have more of a connect with the spiritual dimension. Only exception is ketamine and DXM.


Well-Known Member
Next week, Help, I opened a dimensional portal in my living room, what now?


Well-Known Member
purity is the problem nowadays. take ecstasy as an example. what we can buy now is nowhere near the quality of what we were able to buy 10-15 years ago. MDMA in those pills has been reduced to minimum because replacing it with speed, meth and strychnine is cheaper and easier for whoever produces those.
And the problem is it still sells because some kids will take whatever gets them high from local dealer.
Most of the powders are so badly cut with other stuff this days that you are not actually sure what are you snorting.
As to those newly available compounds - how do you know it has been made in clean laboratory and not by some idiots who after reading some books on the subject decided to make some money so they bought some chemicals plus couple of buckets and started production in their garage hoping for the best.
i am not against those substances in general - problem is purity and i am not reccomending it because it can do so much harm.
i know human made chemicals can be soooo mind blowing (i am a big fan of Alexander Shulgin work) but because there is so many people trying to rip us off it is soo hard to find decent stuff today