

My friend is having problems with his 2 1/2 week from germination. 2 plants 150 watt hps bulb. 74-80 degrees 40-50% humidity. 2-3 day water cycle with light mist every 5 hours. 24 hour light. recently stopped mist due to wilting plant. plant is wilting with curling of leaves towards the back. looks like it is pretty sick and may not make it. what to do?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
What kind of soil/hydro are they in? Watering 2-3 times in soil is a big no no! Also I have to ask about your PH what is that at?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Fuck man I don't have a clue then! FF soil is awesome never had a problem with their Ocean Forest. And your PH is good, I never mist my plants anymore had some problems with that. What kind of water are you guys using? If tap are you letting it set out for at least 24 hrs? I use PH'd distilled water or RO water with a PH around 6.3-6.5 or close to that! are you adding nutes yet? And is the soil bone dry when you water?


Well-Known Member
Why are you misting? It's better to water from the soil and keep the plant itself dry thus preventing any type of mold.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
pots that big and plants that small I would wait till they are bone ass dry before watering. Let them dry out a bit and see if they pop back up. If they are wilting down like that and your soil is wet let it dry out and see what happens. And those ladies don't look that sick they will make it as long as you can figure out what your doing wrong! I have had ladies look way worse when I get them home and they bounce right back!


New Member
My friend is having problems with his 2 1/2 week from germination. 2 plants 150 watt hps bulb. 74-80 degrees 40-50% humidity. 2-3 day water cycle with light mist every 5 hours. 24 hour light. recently stopped mist due to wilting plant. plant is wilting with curling of leaves towards the back. looks like it is pretty sick and may not make it. what to do?
add some boiling water or a humidifer bring up humidity to 60 - 80 and get fresh air in there life will resume for the plant
also stop the 24 hr lights go to 18 /6 mist once a day plant lights out :hump: stop watering plants do it like every 5th day now let soil dry out

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
using distilled no nutes yet only has been 18 days. bone dry got water this morning
do you PH your distilled when you get it home? I use to get Distilled water from K-mart and WalMart. K-mart water needed 1/2 drop of PH up per gallon and walmart water needed 2 drops! Distilled water will drop in PH the longer they store it or the longer it sits on the shelf. I don't think this is a PH issue but PH is very important.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
add some boiling water or a humidifer bring up humidity to 60 - 80 and get fresh air in there life will resume for the plant
also stop the 24 hr lights go to 18 /6 mist once a day plant lights out :hump:
I agree with the 18/6 but not the humidifier. My humidity is at 38-46, I keep it low cus I had a Powdery Mildew problem.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Don't switch the 24 hr thing till you figure out what is wrong first! Don't change to much shit at once or you will piss her off! I can't think of anything really bro, if your PH is good before and runoff and your not adding any nutes distilled water and good soil I can't really think of anything. Are you getting plenty of fresh air in there? It sounds like you shouldn't have any problems. Wilting like that looks like over watering or under watering to me. If it is under watering they will bounce right back from wilting in about 1-2 hrs after you water them. Sometimes I don't get to my ladies soon enough to water and they are all wilted and pissed off at me, after a good water they bounce right back!