

Active Member
I have a IT in with my girls under the top bout the third mode down it has ball and at the top it covered with hair and it starting to flower should I pull it out ???

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
second pic looks like balls to me brotha! If its a hermie you will have to decide if you can keep on top of it and pull bananas or just get rid of it. You run the chance of seeding out your other ladies if you miss ONE banana.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
yeah i know i think im going to pull it 4 girls out of 6 that ok with me
I can't advise you cus it's your grow, but from my exp I would pull it! I have delt with hermie's before and I have had some luck staying on top of them but a few times I didn't catch all of them and it really fucking sucks when your harvesting and you find seeds! Trust me the feeling of finding seeds is way worse than the feeling your going to have when cutting that hermie down! One bad apple ruins the bunch! Sorry for your loss brotha!


Active Member
I can't advise you cus it's your grow, but from my exp I would pull it! I have delt with hermie's before and I have had some luck staying on top of them but a few times I didn't catch all of them and it really fucking sucks when your harvesting and you find seeds! Trust me the feeling of finding seeds is way worse than the feeling your going to have when cutting that hermie down! One bad apple ruins the bunch! Sorry for your loss brotha!
yeah i went ahead and pulled it i would rather be safe then sorry , and no worries iv got 4 beautiful girls out of 6 and im about to move anyway so the lessi have to move the better..