

I have a clone about 2 1/2 weeks old 10 inches tall in a water farm drip system with 10watt coralife 50/50 10000k bulb 7 inches Away from plant and using distilled water an flora sireas and rapid start my ph is around 5.3-6.0 don't know my ppm my problem is that I have brown tips growing, bottom leaves wilted and mid leave curling upwards with brown on all tips did have a temp and ph problem but fixed it roots died on one side but growing strong on other


Well-Known Member
well, hydro not my cup of tea, but the leaf curl indicated a deficiency, i think, i would lower the base nute dose, and add a cal/mag supplement, but id wait for someone more familiar with hydro to chime in


Well-Known Member
It's a potassium def your ph is either under 5 or above 6(double check your ph again) ph in hydro which will lock it out...........adjust your ph accordingly............good luck grower

edit: if your ph is still around the 5.5 and it gets worse then you have a potassium toxicity which will lock out mg and cal which also show those signs....and cold temps will also lock out potassium


Well-Known Member
How could I fix that
well first how are your room temps/ if too cold raise it........then flush with cocco adjusted ph(5.6-5.9)water double your container size.....and when dryed out give them the cocco nutes at a 1/4 strength(ph adjusted!) and see how they react.....


Well-Known Member
Brown edges is overnuted and drooping is possible overwatering looking to me if it was in dirt but I'm not the hydroguy either how many ppms are you feeding? you are checking them ain't you? you can look at the roots you wanna have them white and healthy looking if their brown and slimmy maybe overwatering my best advice is to switch to dirt~


Well-Known Member
Room temp is 65-70 what is cocco adjusted ph water
Is that at lights on or off?? meant water ph adjusted for cocco..........when you run straight cocco, it's basically under the guidelines of a hydro need to make sure your water(ppms/tds/ph) and nutes are spot is NOT as forgiving soil, which is a natural buffer............good luck


Thanx ever one but now Im confused about what's going on its still growing and I'm using rockwool And dose Epsom salt work or should I get cal/mg from gh


Well-Known Member
I need some pics grower............a closeup of the issue and a pic of the whole plant..........good luck


Well-Known Member
Give some micronutes could be sulfur/iron. really need pics to you will just get guesses.