

Active Member
Got 5 bubblelicious and one unknow strain. Started off good until now. they've been groing since 19 aug and i'm pretty sure there supposed to be taller than this, also all the leaves are light green and not growing out ass much, some of the plants leaves have been turning yellow at the bottom and been getting brown spots on the leaves as you can see in pic number 5. There been white blotches here and there on the leaves also. I need much help in figuring out this problem. 400 metal halide/hps been using superthrive (not too much) and molasses but I have grow big, tarantula, and more superthrive on the way. Ph has been around a 6.8 to 6.5. Any help is appreciated


when you say pH around 6.8 to 6.5 what do you mean? I am assuming you mean the pH of the water solution you are giving the plants. Check the water runoff from your soil and then go from there. If it is coming out of the pots in an acceptable range, then I would start looking elsewhere. The plant in the second picture looks like it is experiencing some slight symptoms of overwatering and all of them look to have a slight nitrogen deficiency. Are you trying to go organic? because the only thing that really sticks out to me is the grow big, it is not organic and could be messing up your microbial life in the soil. I'm not sure how sensitive of an issue this would be, I imagine if you let them dry out a little more between waterings, making sure not to drench them too bad when they're young, or they never dry out. Also maybe try all organic... some blood meal for nitrogen or something, there are plenty of great, simple alternatives that can make organic growing fun. I'm still learning and am excited for my next attempt with truly full organics this next time. sooo, just some thoughts. I'm no expert though, so good luck, they don't look too bad. keep searching and reading, you can never learn too much. PEACE