

Active Member
Ok i know this is nothing new but i am a first time grower...
And i was wondering how well compost works for low grade ganja.
I dont have cash to spend on growing but i do have a good amount of space and enough compost to plant a field but i only have one light and i am not sure about the bulbs.
Is there any way to grow with just:
1 Light
A hell of alot of compost
And 2 small Glass jars (candy jars not like pickle jars)
Thanks for any and all help.


Active Member
I am not sure what kind of lights they are.
And the jars are for getting the seeds to open up
then i am looking move them to a big pot.


Active Member
can you take pics of the lights? forget the jars, use simple paper towel and plate germination method, its 1000x easier then any other way in my opinion. You dont want to move them into a big pot right away, you wanna start small and move up and transplant so the roots maximize there use of the soil.


Active Member
I went to check my lights and it turns out i am using
Sylvanas 75W cool lights (florescent lights)
around 4 foot long.
Oh and i havent heard of the paper towle and plate method
And i dont i want to put the sproutlings in cups to start?


Active Member
You dont have any pics? I still dont understand what kind of light you could have. Is it a shop light with 2 bulbs 48" long?
this is a quick description with pics on how to use the plate method, GROWFAQ You could use cups but you should go out and buy the jiffy pots. They're great for starting seedlings and the roots grow through em and 16 are 2.29 at home depot or anywhere with a garden center. Much easier to work with.


Well-Known Member
Cmon man are you serious,im gonna tell ya straight,you are not going to be able to grow anything without putting some cash into the grow,your going to need to buy soil at the very least & some lights made for growing.

Either that or your gonna have to grow outside.

Still i dont get it,how can you afford internet service & not be able to buy dirt ?


Active Member
panhead, shhh. A decent grow setup costs a few hundred dollars. I did the same shit as him, started with nothing, worked my way up.

Greenseed, in the nicest way possible you gotta do a lot more reading. Read the growfaq. There are a lot of basics that you dont got the concept of and you're gonna need to know them before you get your girls growing. Goodluck friend.


Active Member
Thanks and the best of luck to you guys.
I am checked out Lights,Timers, Tarps and beams (metal and wood)
and a generater.
And on paper i can set a green house up that could hold maybe 15 plants for around $245
Of course what kind of soil should i use?


Active Member
its been a long awhile sense i started (going on 5 months)
so far i have 3 plants that are a beautiful green and look amazingly health.
I am so far using
Small 40watt shop lights(2x)
Jiffy's peat pellets
and i water the plants twice daily.

I have to admit i paniced when i saw roots growing out of the bottom of the pellets so i wet a bunch of pellets cut them up and put the plants in med. sized bowels.I will have pics up pretty soon, i just got my cam but i have to remember where i put it.