

I think you're right, becouse before I fertilise and put in soil manure, but what I need do now?
one plant are ok, but this like goes to die.. What can I do to help this plant?
it looks alot like nut burn and also it looks lk a combo of bad pH and also maybe over heating or light is there a there a fan and how far are the lights from the canopy of ur plants?


250w mh approx. 50cm and I cant pick up higher becouse my grow box is too small - height 130cm (pot 30cm, plant 50cm,) Next time try to build higher, but now I do with it what I have:(
t. on soil 25c-26c and plant top 28c-31c
befor fan blows air to plant, but now I change air flow...


Well-Known Member
Over watering, stop watering, let it the dirt completely dry, then water. DO THIS EVERY TIME.



Well-Known Member
OK, but why leaves ar yellowing/browning? too much fertilizer or maybe too hot?
Maybe there is a little nute burn also, but over watering has to be corrected. If it's showing signs of overwatering that means the roots are in stagnant water, and might get infected with some root rot, or some fungus.