
Help!! can anyone give me a little insight into this? Soil felt a little dry so i watered it, however it wasn't extremely dry as so some soil did stick to my fingers. Thank you guysphoto.jpg
yo it looks like a mg or mn diffenecy on top of overwatering this same thin happened to mine flush your plant and feed only water for a couple of feeds then start off feeding 1/4 strength and then move up from there depending on the condition of the plant. also what is the temperature of the room it might be heat of light stress also?


Well-Known Member
Looks like nutrient problem but like tazman said could be temp or heat issues, gotta give more info on plant environment conditions. Heres a link on nutrient problems hope this helps good luck!!
Why would you put up a link to a different site?
That's fucked up I think.
OP, I agree with Scrog, but here's a couple charts from THIS forum you will be able to use........

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View attachment 2361196


Well-Known Member
The clawing is overwatering. Only water 2-3 times a week at most.



you should try use the pot lift test to check to see if they need watering or not. if the pot is very light to lift chances are it needs feeding. if its heavy then you probably dont. i am new to this but i found this method to be very helpful! hope this helps!
I grow indoor roses but the same still applies...flush with straight water for a week, add lower concentration of nutes, drill more holes in the bottom of your pot if you can to allow for better drainage, everyday fluff the top layer of your soil using your fingers, if you have or can get a heating belts wrap them around the pot and heat the root zone to 75-80 degrees or so I like to go hotter 85ish, if you do that you shouldnt really have to worry about rebalancing your ph, and when you got to start using ferts again use much lower concentrations


Well-Known Member
I grow indoor roses but the same still applies...flush with straight water for a week, add lower concentration of nutes, drill more holes in the bottom of your pot if you can to allow for better drainage, everyday fluff the top layer of your soil using your fingers, if you have or can get a heating belts wrap them around the pot and heat the root zone to 75-80 degrees or so I like to go hotter 85ish, if you do that you shouldnt really have to worry about rebalancing your ph, and when you got to start using ferts again use much lower concentrations
This is your only post ever?

Nice one though.