
Hi people!

I need help desperately. I dont know what is happening to my plant, but its getting bad. all the leaves are falling and she is skinny... less than a month ago she was fine, beautiful and green, but now it seems she is dying. Does anyone know what can be possibly happening? Please help!!!
Peace and love :eyesmoke:



New Member
well thats what happens when you take bmeats advice lmao just kidding... Tell me more about the soil.. what brand? how often did you water it? were you giving it nutes?? What kind of light are you using and how far away was it?? That plant is sooo dead.. sorry bro


Well-Known Member
Poor plant, not enough sun. Wrong time of year to grow and inside next to a window?
You need to start doing some reading and learn the secrets of growing this.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
soil looks too wet and compacted and as stated above - a poor growing environment. GL
Thanks a lot everybody for answering me. Unfortunately i live in a big city and can't grow outside..thats my way of not buying and be away of the bad things that can happen in my country.
My intention was not to kill this wisdom plant. Im super sad and next time ill try to do it better, maybe when hits more sun..
anyway good vibrations to all and thanks again!!