Help !!

i have got a 1 small plant on the go in my room i havnt a clue where to start and need some help

its on a desk at the side of my bed with a 40 watt bulb dangling over the top, thats as far as i got
need some help, what should i do ???

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
Add a light should be first priority. I wouldn't even count your one bulb as a light. Just pretend like it is not even there and go spend a couple hundred dollars. Act like tomorrow your plant will die if you don't get a real light going.


Well-Known Member
Haha, thats a funny reply vtm, not meaning to be rude or that,,but it did make me laugh....
well shildon I dont see what the problem is???? You seem to be doing it right if you have a nice healthy plant , so why the call for help?

If you have a spare moment just go to some grow journals and read and read and read, also a good book to have if your starting out is good old GeorgeCervantes medical mj grow bible, its full of use full stuff and more, definitely worth the 20 pound price, or like i say there are some cracking journals on here full of useful bit of info.

Can i ask about your plant? Do you know what strain it is, female or male, and i take it you are in soil so what is the soil? Did you 'amend' it with owt? Like perlite or fine dolomite lime? Shit these may not be what you can answer but its a start,,,


Well-Known Member
There's alot to cover. Your budget? Hmmmm here's a quick check list. NO MIRACLEGROW! first and foremost. If someone has a compost pile that provides decent dirt use that and some potting soil from a gardening store that has dolo lime calci lime, can be either a peat base medium(thats peat moss) or coir.I would suggest putting the plant eventually into a 3-5 gallon bucket or container of your liking. hmmm then i would try to find a closet that will handle this plant should it say oh quadrupile in size. Buy a small osicating fan that can be put on the plant 24 hours a day, next get some pictures you can share here so folks can discern whats needed and whats not needed. I am a simpleton here when it comes to knowedgebases bro honestly there's soo many folks here with boatloads of infoit'll make yer head spin. A lamp ofn 40 watts may keep it alive but if i were you i wouldnt go anything below 150 watts/. That can be cfl or hid or sheet mang t-5 flouro's if ya wanted. Question though why me outa the thousands of folks here?


Well-Known Member
Also if you don't want to buy a light put it in the can grow some good weed there, but canna right more light more bud,,well generally,, but then with a light you have to start thinking about other things, like security,, which depending on where you live can be the top priority. And then it adds to your costs aswell,

i think making a grow space or grow room would be your first steps,,,, sorry to be ranting,,,
the cry for help is simple and i dont mind the funny replys at all haha i would do the same ;)
but heres the crack
i got the plant of one of my mates grow so i think it may be a cutting
i cant tell if it is male or female yet
its about 8 inces tall
the leaves seem to be going up towards the light
its in soil yes
my mate who i got it off told me to put it under a light untill it is 2ft then on my window but i thought that cant be right so thats why i am here :D for some pointers
i will try and post a photo if it helps
spot on this can really help me thanks alot and you out of thousands of people mate a couldnt tell you i was looking through some threads and yous to seemed to know a alot so yeah haha


Well-Known Member
Right there we go,,, that makes every thing clearer... Alot in fact, and you seem to have some clue about whats going on so thats always a plus,,
maybe its an auto flowerer and thats why he hasn't said when its so tall flip the light to 12/12, possibly, but if it is your friend has his shit down to clone an auto,,,,so for this plant as vtm says is container size,

also if the leaves are growing for the light its normally a sign of a good plant, or the light is too far away,,but i doubt because the daylight in the room will compensate for that,, if there is daylight in the room,,


Well-Known Member
good stuff then! I have always found that my instincts usually serve me well when im at a crossroads in the garden. Keeping things as simple as possible and not being afraid to ask questions is what its all about my man! Firstly let me thankyou for embracing this plant, If you nuture this plant it will serve you well. No doubt in many more aspects then you ever thought possible down the road. Anything anytime my friend anytime.


Well-Known Member
i make sure the light is 2 inches above the plant

so you suggest i put it in a bigger container?

even if the genetics are super duper you'd do yourself justice by getting some lights for yourself, even if you have a old school like flea market or craigslist where other gardeners may have decent supplies (albeitused in some cases) WAY WAY cheaper than stores do. It's a shame your where i think you are cause id throw you lights like kids eat candy my friend lol.


Well-Known Member
yes bear in mind that like trees you should expect similar root structure in the soil as the canopy above, by this i mean allow as much space as you can for the roots to grow and thrive. For example i use my towns recycling bins for my plants...lmao not there intended use but for fucks sake my ladies love em! Theyre 10 gallon containers i believe so yeah you cant go wrong giving your plant lots of room to thrive and fair warning ive seen some sativa's get 6-7 foot high.


Well-Known Member
Well the satvia may take abit longer to flower but will be a nice smoke,,,,

when it comes to cointainer size bigger is normally better but there are pros and cons,,,as vtm said, you can grow a big plant in a 3gallon cointainer, 11litres where i am, or if you want a bush go up to 5gallon,18litres, but with the smaller container you have to water more often and may get abit root bound( where the roots can't expand any more and wrap around the container,) you see this in the leaves when it happens, it also mean if you were to transplant the plant will get more plant shock, but then again it can be just what the plant needs,
well at eight inches you should be in a 3gallon(11litres) and also as its a sativa when its between eight and 12inches tall it should be ready to flower as it will stretch in flower to a good 3footer,,roughly,, and going off what i have grown,,